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NAIDOC - celebrating Aboriginal & Indigenous culture!

NAIDOC week logo

NAIDOC Week is held each year in July as a celebration of the history, culture and achievements of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It is an event in which indigenous and non-indigenous people participate with events in every state.

The name NAIDOC comes from the National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee, an advocacy group that formed over 50 years ago to support the rights of indigenous people.

In this newsletter we highlight just a few of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations in South Australia.

  • Camp Coorong - Ngarrindjeri Land & Progress Association campsite with field trips, cultural and educational activities
  • Kura Yerlo - community managed organisation in the western region of Adelaide, delivering community programs including youth, family, elders, disability, education, child care and fitness
  • Kurruru - Port Adelaide-based Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth performing arts company encompassing dance, song, circus, music and comedy
  • Living Kaurna Cultural Centre Inc. & Warriparendi - significant site of the Kaurna people located in the City of Marion
  • Tandanya - contemporary and traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural expression, through the performing and visual arts
  • Umeewarra Media – Australia’s only Aboriginal radio station, based in Port Augusta, with an Aboriginal Board of Management and promoting Aboriginal culture and reconciliation
  • Tauondi College - education and nationally recognised training, attracting students from all around Australia
There are many more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups, organisations that provide a wide range of health, accommodation, youth and family support services in South Australia.

Featured organisation

Meals on Wheels logoThis month's feature organisation is Meals on Wheels, a group that helps more than 5000 South Australians every day through the provision of delivered, nutritious meals.

We visited one of their kitchens to find out more about how they do this. Read the full story on our blog.

News from the SA community sector

The Novel Challenge is a read-a-thon in which people raise funds to help people with Multiple Sclerosis. Read your own book between July & September or browse for some book ideas.

Do you know someone who has spent time over the past two years caring for South Australia’s natural environment? The Natural Resources Management Council wants nominations for the 2011 Premier’s Natural Resources Management Awards and the 2011 South Australian Landcare Awards. Entries close on 29 July 2011 - www.nrm.sa.gov.au, www.landcareonline.com.au. More information -
tel. 8463 7883 or email deb.rav@sa.gov.au

Holden has 15 cars to give away to charities in July. They want to hear from registered charities about deserving projects - find out more on Facebook.

The Mental Health Coalition of SA and the Media Resource Centre are seeking participants to be bloggers on a new site Mind Share, an online mental health community, to be released during Mental Health Week on 9 October 2011.  People who are interested in blogging about their views on mental health, events, news, controversy and personal stories can contact Tracey Davis - mindshare@mhcsa.org.au.

Have you checked out Google for non-profits? There might be something here for your organisation.

GP Plus Marion is now open at 10 Milham St, Oaklands Park 5046, tel. 7425 8200, providing a range of child and family health services and mental health support. With the recent opening of GP Plus Elizabeth, Northern Women's Community Health Centre has closed. Women's health services in the northern region are now provided as outreach from Women's Health & Safety Dale Street, tel. 8444 0700.

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cover image

Directory of Community Services 2011 
$39.95 + $10 postage and handling. Buy online from Service SA or  telephone on 13 2324


Connecting Up Australia news

Dry July logo

Two members of the Connecting Up Australia team, Katie Hannan and Ben Teoh team are participating in Dry July, a month long event which is all about clearing your head and making a difference. Ben's giving up for the month, but Katie is keen to try for a whole year. Can they do it?

SA community kitchen
July's recipe, Cherry cake with cherry syrup and custard was made by the staff at the Meals on Wheels kitchen in Mitcham. Nutritional and delicious, what are you waiting for? You can find the recipe on our website.

Help us to keep your details up to date

is Connecting Up Australia’s comprehensive South Australian community services database that helps people find information about services and opportunities to participate in the community.  Please help us to keep your details current – visit sacommunity.org and check your organisation’s information. If any changes are needed please email us.

From the www

Meetings and Events

Science Week is coming up! 13 - 21 August 2011

Conference on Volunteer Management: Volunteering for a Sustainable Future,
1 & 2 August 2011 at Sanctuary, Adelaide Zoo

DIRC Disability Forum 10.30am 7 July 2011 - Disability in Darkness? presented by Professor Richard Bruggerman. Morning tea provided, cost $5 professionals $2 non-professionals, please book, tel. 8236 0555, dirc@dircsa.org.au

SA Family Law Pathways Network presents Family Law Tapas: Inaugural Family Law Conference
4-5 August 2011,
Adelaide Pavilion, Corner South Tce and Peacock Rd, Adelaide

Copyright © 2011 SAcommunity
Brought to you by Connecting Up Australia.

Email: support@sacommunity.org
Website: www.sacommunity.org

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