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Connecting Up Australia | | Directory of Community Services | DonorTec | Twitter

Connecting Up Australia is a nonprofit organisation that works to strengthen the nonprofit and community sector in Australia by providing information, products, resources and programs.

Multicultural mix
South Australia's diverse cultures are reflected in the many organisations that are active in the community. Some provide support for new migrants, refugees and humanitarian arrivals. Others focus on maintaining the traditions and languages that they have brought from their home country and providing a network of contacts and friends among their cultural group. There are over 300 organisations in South Australia that represent or assist different national groups. They include churches, language schools, English language programs, aged care, youth and women's support services.

On 21 March each year Harmony Day is held to celebrate cultural diversity in Australia. The day is also the United Nation's International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

Somali women
Somali women © 2011 Multicultural SA CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic

Below we provide information about some of the major multicultural organisations and services in South Australia.

Peak bodies

Multicultural SA - advises State Government on matters relating to multicultural and ethnic affairs in South Australia
Multicultural Communities Council of SA Inc. - peak body representing multicultural community interests and promoting the benefits of cultural diversity and multiculturalism


Adelaide Secondary School of English - intensive English programs for young people aged 12 - 18 who are recent arrivals
Centre for English Language at the University of South Australia - English language preparation programs for students
Ethnic Schools Association of SA Inc. - information about schools that provide education in community languages
TAFE SA English Language Services - English as a second language classes, Adult Migrant English Program and other support services

Refugee & new arrivals support

Australian Refugee Association Inc. - provides services that help refugees to become independent citizens
Migrant Resource Centre of SA Inc. - lead agency responsible for the settlement and participation of migrants and refugees in South Australia
Migrant Womens Support & Accommodation Service Inc. - helps women and children from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds who are affected by domestic violence
Multicultural Youth SA Inc. - casework and case management services for CALD young people aged 12-30

Aged care & home support

Ethnic Link Services - helps frail aged and younger people with disability from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds to remain living in their own homes
Multicultural Aged Care Inc. - aged and community care services for older people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds

Arts & cultural

Migration Museum - exhibitions on the immigration and settlement history of South Australia
Nexus Multicultural Arts Centre Inc. - the centre of multicultural arts in Adelaide

For more information about services and organisations for migrants, refugees and cultural groups see

News from the SA community sector

The Royal Society for the Blind's Recreation and Leisure Service coordinates walking groups across the metropolitan area. Within these groups, members can walk for up to four kilometres at a relaxed pace. RSB Recreation and Leisure groups are open to people who are blind or vision impaired, and RSB is always looking for new members. If you want to get outdoors and stay fit, call Travis Little on 8232 6444 or email

The Disability Information & Resource Centre is hosting a forum on Issues in Mental Health from 10.30am - 12.30pm on 3 March 2011. RSVP to or tel. 8236 0555

The AIDS Council of South Australia has moved to a new location at 2 Eton Rd, Keswick 5035

Western Area Multicultural Youth Service (WAMYS) provides services and programs for young people of all cultural backgrounds at Youth Central in Adelaide's western suburbs, including counselling, case management, information & referral, advocacy and group work. WAMYS is for young people aged 12 to 25 who are vulnerable as a result of life circumstances, homelessness, offending, drug and alcohol abuse, violent behaviour and unemployment, tel. 8408 1313

Featured organisation - OARS Community Transitions
OARS Community Transitions (OCT) is the new name for Offenders Aid & Rehabilitation Services Inc. OCT provides services for people involved in or at risk of being drawn into the criminal justice system.

OARS Community Transitions has a long history in South Australia, dating back to 1886 when it began as the Prisoners Aid Association. The founding members had strong connections with the Adelaide Benevolent & Strangers Friend Society, and the well-known philanthropist Catherine Helen Spence was an early supporter.

Current services include
accommodation services, financial counselling, drug & alcohol counselling, gambling support, emergency assistance and youth work services. OCT supports the families of prisoners with a regular bus service to Cadell and a volunteer-run canteen at Yatala and Mobilong prisons to provide a social atmosphere for visitors. The Family Centre at Yatala on Saturday mornings offers a range of supports for visiting family members including facilities for children and babies, information & referral to other agencies and a friendly presence.

OCT welcomes volunteer participation in many of its programs.

234 Sturt St, Adelaide SA 5000
Tel. 8210 0811
Fax 8212 5515
OARS Community Transitions

SAcommunity kitchen

This month's recipe is from Westcare Day Centre. Westcare is a day centre that welcomes disadvantaged and homeless people in the city.
If you would like to submit a recipe for a future edition of SAcommunity news please send it to

Zucchini Bake - serves 4-6

4-6 zucchinis sliced
2 tins crushed tomatoes
4 rashers bacon, chopped and cooked
1 cup grated cheese
1/2 tsp paprika
1 tbs basil chopped
1 tbs parsley chopped
Salt & pepper to taste


  1. Place 1 layer of zucchini slices in baking dish
  2. Top with crushed tomatoes, bacon, cheese and herbs
  3. Continue layering ingredients until all are used, then top with grated cheese
  4. Bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees

Westcare westcare soup

Read more about our recent visit to the Westcare kitchen.

From the www - share your reading experience online - Twitter cartoon - identifies influencers on topics across the social web - young me now me photos

Help us to keep your details up-to-date

SAcommunity is Connecting Up Australia's comprehensive South Australian community services database that helps people find information about services and opportunities to participate in the community. Please help us to keep your details current - visit and check your organisation's information. If any changes are needed please email us -

Connecting Up Australia news

Connecting Up Directory - we have won a grant of $100 000 from Google to set up a national directory of Australian non-profits and charities. Google approached Connecting Up Australia to set up this online register that will improve collaboration between not-for-profits, donors, governments and business. Watch this space for more news as we work towards the launch!

Connecting Up Conference Melbourne 1-3 June 2011 is getting closer - registrations are open and the website has lots of information about speakers and topics. This is the conference that helps the nonprofit sector use technology to change the world. Sign up now - we'd love to see you there!

DonorTec is a program run by Connecting Up Australia. It provides donated and discounted technology products and services from companies such as Microsoft, Symantec, Sophos and Cisco to eligible income tax exempt (ITE) Australian nonprofit groups. Via this program nonprofits can access the latest technology via donations or generous discounts.

If you have something you would like to include in a future edition of SAcommunity News please email

Follow the SAcommunity Twitter stream to keep up with what's happening and what has changed in the community sector.

Check Connecting Up Australia's blog and join our conversations on community, information and technology issues.

The Directory of Community Services 2010 costs $39.95 +$10 postage and handling. You can purchase from Service SA or by telephone on 13 2324.

Service Directory of South Australia.

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