
May 2010

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Connecting Up Australia | | Directory of Community Services  | Eventspool | DonorTec  | Twitter     

Connecting Up Australia (formerly CISA) provides community services and events information and is a national voice for the  nonprofit sector on information and communications technology (ICT) issues.


Community gardens are places where people can come together to grow food and community. There are many benefits to community gardens, including providing access to fresh food; connecting with people in the neighbourhood; learning skills of gardening, shared decision making and cooperation; and participating in a productive recreational activity that improves the local environment.

If you want to know more, read the newly published Growing Community — starting and nurturing community gardens. You can order a printed copy or download as a PDF.

The Australian City Farms & Community Gardens Network connects community gardeners around Australia. Listed below are some of the community gardens operating in South Australia:

There are many more...check out Find a community garden in SA


The Women’s Housing Association is now located at 253 Gouger St, Adelaide. This organisation provides medium to long term low cost accommodation in metropolitan and regional areas of South Australia.  Contact Womens Housing Association on tel. 8231 0388. 

Greek Orthodox Community SA Community Care Services has moved and is now located at 89 Hawker Street, Ridleyton 5008, tel. 8231 4307. This organisation offers a range of community services, aged care services, youth activities and cultural programs for the Greek community. 

The University of Adelaide’s Entrepreneurship, Commercialisation and Innovation Centre is holding an information night 5.30pm to 7.30pm on 4 May 2010 at Medina Adelaide Grand Treasury, 2 Flinders Street, Adelaide. It will include a presentation by IT entrepreneur, Didier Elzinga, followed by discussion and Q&A.

Community & Neighbourhood Houses & Centres Association Inc. annual conference, Strengthening Local Communities ... Agents of Change Conference, will be held on Thursday 27 and Friday 28 May 2010 at Glandore Community Centre 25 Naldera St, Glandore. It will focus on the role of community houses and centres in driving change through the practice of community development. Earlybird specials apply for conference fees. The program is available at For more information contact CANH on tel. 8371 4622, 1800 633 616 (country callers).

The Conservation Council SA invites applications from community groups and non-governments organisations for innovative projects that address climate change and encourage behaviour change for sustainability. Small grants of up to $3000 and larger grants of up to $10,000 are being offered.  Applications close 28 May 2010.

The 2010 Lowitja O’Donoghue Oration will be held at 7pm on Wednesday 2 June 2010 at Bonython Hall, University of Adelaide. Journalist Ray Martin will speak about his involvement with the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation and charities that are working to alleviate Aboriginal disadvantage.

Remember to visit your local library during Library and Information Week 24-30 May 2010. This year’s theme is Access All Areas. Libraries will be promoting access to information through databases, consultation and reference services.


SAcommunity is Connecting Up Australia’s comprehensive South Australian community services database that helps people find information about services and opportunities to participate in the community. Please help us to keep your details current – visit and check your organisation’s information. If any changes are needed please email us –


DonorTec is a program run by Connecting Up Australia. It provides donated and discounted technology products and services from companies such as Microsoft, Symantec, Sophos and Cisco to eligible income tax exempt (ITE) Australian nonprofit groups. Via this program nonprofits can access the latest technology via donations or generous discounts.


Cost of free technology for nonprofits – is free 2.0 is coming to a close?

Ephemicropolis – find out what it is!

One Book One Twitter – what if everyone on Twitter read the same book at the same time and formed one massive, international book club? Follow along with the hash tag #1b1t

Smart Government Australia 2010 - a conference and technology showcase dedicated to helping Government decision makers to use technology and social networking tools to engage better with citizens and become more open, transparent, collaborative and cooperative.

Virtual Choir – an amazing example of the use of social media


Connecting Up Australia will close the Eventspool service on 30 June 2010. 

We have reluctantly reached the decision to discontinue this free community service that we have provided since 2002. To remain current and useful the Eventspool website needs redevelopment but we do not have funds required to do this. There are now a number of free community events websites that provide a similar service. These include:
You are free to continue using Eventspool in the meantime. If you need help or have any questions, please call 8122 2755.


Follow the SA Community Twitter stream to keep up with what’s happening and what has changed in the community sector.

Check Connecting Up Australia’s blog and join our conversations on community, information and technology issues.

The Directory of Community Services 2010 is now available. It costs $39.95 +$10 postage and handling. You can purchase from any Service SA outlet or by telephone on 13 2324.

Service Directory 
of South Australia.

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