International Workers' Memorial Day 2018

SAFEWORK SA: Remembering those who lost their lives at work

Every 28 April we recognise International Workers’ Memorial Day, remembering those who have lost their lives at work. Since 2006, SafeWork SA has supported a ceremony that not only remembers these people, but supports change to improve work health and safety.
This service is an opportunity for families, friends and colleagues to share their experiences and remember their loved ones who never came home from work.
SafeWork SA, as the agency who administers workplace health and safety laws, knows it is also important to acknowledge those who have been injured or have become ill because of their work.
We know that families can suffer ongoing health, social and financial consequences as a result of their loss, and International Workers’ Memorial Day is an opportunity to honour those lost and to talk with others about how to help ensure these tragedies reduce.
The service will be held at 10am at the Pilgrim Uniting Church, 12 Flinders Street, Adelaide, and is hosted by VOID (Voice of Industrial Death). The service will feature a candle-lighting ceremony and the symbolic release of doves.
Anyone affected by a work-related death or trauma is welcome to attend this service and invited to contribute a personal item or photograph for the memorial display.
SafeWork SA is working to achieve greater safety at work, supporting workplaces and industry in measures to reduce injuries at work. We do this through working in partnership with businesses and industry groups to provide information, advice and support as well as through compliance activities.

~ Contributed by SafeWork SA 
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