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Connecting Up Australia is a nonprofit organisation that works to strengthen the nonprofit and community sector in Australia by providing a variety of information, products, resources and programs.
Mental Health Week 10-16 October 2010
The theme for 2010 is Open your mind: what you do can make the difference. Did you know that over the next year one in five people will experience a mental health problem? Events will be held throughout South Australia during Mental Health Week. Details are available from the Mental Health Coalition of South Australia website.
Listed below are a selection of organisations operating in South Australia that can assist with mental health
Compeer - matches selected and trained volunteers from the community with people who are receiving treatment for mental illness. Tel. 8112 8700
GROW - a community of people working towards mental health through mutual help and a 12 step program of recovery. Small groups of people who have experienced depression, anxiety or other mental or emotional distress, meet together on a weekly basis to help each other deal with the challenges of life. GROW has approximately 30 groups meeting in different suburbs of Adelaide and country towns throughout South Australia. Tel. 8298 9299 or email for details of a group near you.
Mental Illness Fellowship of SA - Aims to enable people with mental illness and their carers, to share fully in the community with the same rights and opportunities as other citizens. MIFSA also operate Personal Helpers and Mentors (PHaMs) Programs that support people whose mental illness severely affects their lives. 5 Cooke Tce, Wayville, tel. 8378 4100
MIND - supports people with mental illness in their recovery, to help them live well in the community, with or without symptoms. 19 Glynburn Rd, Glynde, tel. 8368 7800
SANE Australia - A national organisation that works to improve services for, and attitudes towards, people affected by mental illness.
SANE Helpline: 1800 18 7263
Many more services are listed on SAcommunity
The Listening Project : what do Australia's nonprofits really want?
Connecting Up Australia commissioned the Listening Project to explore the Australian nonprofit (or third) sector's priorities regarding operational and strategic challenges. Some unique issues and strong commonalities across sub-sectors are evident. These call for positive responses from government and corporate Australia with leadership from the sector itself. A copy of the report can be found on Connecting Up Australia's website.
NTEN-CUA scholarship to Nonprofit Technology Conference 2011
Connecting Up Australia and the Nonprofit Technology Network have recently announced its mutual scholarship program to the popular US Nonprofit Technology Conference (#11NTC) 2011. The scholarship enables two people from the nonprofit sector the chance to attend the NTC 2011 conference in Washington, DC from 17-19 March 2011, with flights and conference fees paid, plus an allowance of $500 to help cover meals and accommodation
Making Links - where social action and technology converge
Making Links is a conference that seeks to engage interested people, organisations and groups working at the intersection of social action and IT – including community workers, educators, trainers, not-for-profit organisations, people who work with marginalised groups, activists and researchers.
The 2010 conference will be held at State Library of Western Australia, 25 Francis Street, Perth on 15-17 November 2010
News from the SA community sector
Arthritis SA holds a giant book sale on the first Saturday of each month. Support the Arthritis Foundation of South Australia. A huge range of books are available from $1-$5. Doors open from 9am-1pm, 118 Richmond Road, Marleston 5033
Lions Hearing Dogs annual open day will take place on Sunday 17 October 2010. Entry is free. there will be demonstrations of trainee Lions Hearing Dogs being put through their paces every half hour and tours of kennel facilities. A free sausage sizzle, tea and coffee as well as craft stalls and pet product stalls. 10am until 3pm
The South Australian Council of Social Service is seeking candidates for the position of Chair. The SACOSS Chair plays a vital role in leading and representing SACOSS as it pursues its vision of justice, opportunity and shared wealth for all South Australians. Full information is available at on the SACOSS website
JusticeNet SA, a not-for-profit organisation that coordinates free legal assistance for eligible individuals and charitable nonprofit organisations, is running a series of low-cost legal seminars that cover key issues affecting NFPs. The next seminar is on 20 October 2010 Current tax issues for charities. Contact Louise Young on tel. 8303 5005 or admin@justicenet.org.au
The Office for Recreation and Sport Active Club Program provides financial assistance to South Australian nonprofit community-based active recreation and sporting organisations to develop and expand the services they provide. Guidelines and application details are available from the website or tel. 7424 7708. Applications for the current round close on 25 October 2010
A-Z Acronyms SA 2010 is now available, a free downloadable list of acronyms that are used frequently in the community sector. Provided by Connecting Up Australia!
Help us to keep your details up-to-date
SAcommunity is Connecting Up Australia's comprehensive South Australian community services database that helps people find information about services and opportunities to participate in the community. Please help us to keep your details current – visit www.sacommunity.org and check your organisation’s information. If any changes are needed please email us – support@sacommunity.org.
DonorTec is a program run by Connecting Up Australia. It provides donated and discounted technology products and services from companies such as Microsoft, Symantec, Sophos and Cisco to eligible income tax exempt (ITE) Australian nonprofit groups. Via this program nonprofits can access the latest technology via donations or generous discounts. www.donortec.org
SAcommunity kitchen
This month's recipe is from Community Kitchens. If you would like to submit a recipe for a future edition of SAcommunity news please email it to us at news@sacommunity.org.
Malcolm's beef, vegetable and pasta soup
Cooked and enjoyed by all at the SASI Community Kitchen Seaford.
Ingredients: (Serves 8)
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 500g beef chick steak, cut into 2cm cubes
- 1 large onion, finely chopped
- 3 teaspoons sweet paprika
- 3 carrots, peeled, cut into 1cm cubes
- 2 swede, peeled, cut into 1cm cubes
- 2 sticks celery, thinly sliced diagonally
- 8 cups chicken stock
- 1 cup pasta
Heat 2 teaspoons oil in a large, deep saucepan over medium-high heat. Add a third of the beef and cook for 3 to 4 minutes or until browned. Drain and transfer to a plate. Repeat with oil and beef.
Add remaining oil and onion to pan. Cook for 2 -3 minutes or until tender. Add paprika and cook for 1 minute. Add carrots, swede, celery and beef and cook for approx 3 minutes. Add the chicken stock and bring to the boil. Add pasta and simmer for approximately 10 minutes or until pasta is cooked. Season with pepper and serve.
What's on
6 October 2010 Pinaroo Show and Field Day Pinnaroo Showgrounds, cnr Homburg Tce and Gilbert Ave, Pinnaroo
9 & 10 October 2010 Trailblazer Challenge Take part in a team event with a difference! Held in the stunning Adelaide Hills, Trailblazer gives you the chance to test your limits while raising funds for South Australian charities
9 & 10 October 2010 Port Elliot Annual Show Port Elliot SHowgrounds, Cameron Street Port Elliot. Presented by the Southern Agricultural Society
10-17 October 2010 Happy Valley Tennis Club is hosting the City of Onkaparinga International 2010 This is an International Tennis Federation Tournament sanctioned by Tennis Australia and sponored by the City of Onkaparinga that attracts players from around the world who are trying to improve their ranking on the world circuit. Entry is free
29 October 2010 National Bandanna Day. Keep an eye out for places near you that are selling bandannas on behalf of CanTeen - The Australian Organisation for Young People Living with Cancer. Buy one for just $4 to help young people living with cancer.
31 October 2010 Plant It, Grow It, Eat It: Your own sustainable kitchen garden - Learn how to grow and cook food that is good for you and good for the planet. Practical demonstrations, displays and free activities for the kids.11am - 3pm Schomburgk Pavilion, Adelaide Botanic Gardens. This event is free
11-13 November 2010 Adult learning Australia National Conference, Hotel Grand Chancellor Adelaide. Celebrating 50 years of adult learning in Australia
Connecting Up Australia closed the Eventspool service on 30 June 2010
We suggest that you use one of the following free community events websites:
If you have something you would like to include in a future edition of SA Community News please email news@sacommunity.org
Follow the SA Community Twitter stream to keep up with what’s happening and what has changed in the community sector.
Check Connecting Up Australia’s blog and join our conversations on community, information and technology issues.
The Directory of Community Services 2010 is now available. It costs $39.95 +$10 postage and handling. You can purchase from any Service SA outlet or by telephone on 13 2324.
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