Building better mental health

October is a great time to focus on mental health

October is a great time to focus on mental health, spread the news about support services and promote positive stories of recovery and resilience.

Here are some events that invite the community to participate and raise awareness:

2 October 2015 Odd Socks Day - pull on your odd socks and stamp out stigma! Anyone can have an odd day and stigma remains one a major barrier to people seeking help and recovery.

4-10 October 2015 Mental Health Week and 10 October 2015 World Mental Health Day - promoting global mental health education, awareness and advocacy. This year in Australia, WMHD has three objectives:

  • Encourage help seeking behaviour
  • Reduce the stigma associated with mental illness
  • Foster connectivity throughout communities

19-23 October 2015 Sock it to Suicide Week - support the White Wreath Association's work to reverse our high suicide rate.

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