TAFE SA English Language Centre
TAFE SA English Language Centre
Level 1 East, 120 Currie St Adelaide, SA 5000
08 8226 6555
08 8207 8806 TTY
08 8226 6866 Home Tutor Scheme
08 8207 8806 TTY
08 8226 6866 Home Tutor Scheme
08 8226 6882
Office: Mon - Fri 8.30am - 5pm
The AMEP is able to offer free English classes to migrants who hold or have held a Permanent VISA upon their arrival in Australia.
Wheelchair access
Branch address:
- Adelaide - TAFE SA, 120 Currie St, Adelaide 5000
- Tel. 8207 8805
- Noarlunga - TAFE SA, Ramsay Pl, Noarlunga Centre 5168
- Tel. 8207 3900
- Salisbury - TAFE SA, Wiltshire St, Salisbury 5108
- Tel. 8207 9855
Provides the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) across South Australia. Offers day and evening English as a Second Language classes at many levels in the city, metropolitan and country areas. Classes include a Settlement Course about living and working in Australia and acess to Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). Free child care is available for eligible clients with under school age children.
- Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) - English as a second language classes for migrants and refugees English classes in the city, suburbs and country areas, day and evening, free English Language Assessment for teacher or nurse registration or entry into TAFE or university Volunteer Tutor Scheme and tutor support services Learning resources to support literacy and employment Library/Resource Centre and Individualized Learning Centre
Last updated: 12/08/2024
Information provided for: Adelaide City Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Information provided for: Adelaide City Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Council: City of Adelaide
Electorate (State): Adelaide
Electorate (Federal): Adelaide
- 3355Education
- 174 Adult Education
- 10 Development Education
- 4 Distance Education
- 19 Education (Interest Groups)
- 4 Education Issues
- 13 Education Resource Centres
- 29 Financial Assistance (Education)
- 1 Home Schooling
- 466 Living Skills
- 101 Migrant Education
- 7 Overseas Study
- 114 Remedial Education
- 19 School Libraries
- 6 School Sport
- 2107 Schools
- 21 Student Advisory Services
- 5 Teachers
- 43 Tertiary Education
- 16 Tutoring
- 76 Vocational Education & Training
- 25English as a Second Language
- 38English Language
- 31Instruction
- 79Job Search Training
- 101Migrant Education
- 37Migrants
- 31Settlement Assistance