Centacare Family Outreach Services - Seaton

Centacare Family Outreach Services - Seaton

Organisation Address
413 Grange Rd Seaton, SA 5023
Organisation Phone
08 8159 1400
Organisation Fax
08 8159 1499
Mon - Tue 9am - 5pm
Wed - Thurs 9am - 9pm
Fri 9am - 5pm
  • Bilby Bus - Intensive Support Playgroup Program - mobile playgroups for vulnerable families with 0-5 year olds
  • Mobile Family Connections - Communities for Children program for families providing Bilby Bus visits to , Christies Downs, Seaford, Aldinga Beach & Sellicks. Offers informal play sessions, social events, information, referral and support
  • Navigate - an early intervention service that provides support for families where there is a young person aged 16-24 years with an emerging mental health issue
  • Reconnect Mental Health Service is an outreach, early intervention service; supporting young people (12-18 years) and their families, where there is a risk of homelessness and emerging mental health concerns for the young person
  • The Targeted Early Intervention Service is a multi disciplinary team that provides wraparound outreach services for vulnerable children and families
Last updated: 05/09/2023
Information provided for: Charles Sturt Council (City of Charles Sturt)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: City of Charles Sturt
Electorate (State): Lee
Electorate (Federal): Hindmarsh
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