Wakefield House Positive Ageing Centre
Wakefield House Positive Ageing Centre
formerly Wakefield House Over 50s Community Centre
65 Acre Ave Morphett Vale, SA 5162 Australia
08 8384 6158
08 8384 3307
Parent Body:
Mon - Fri 10am - 4pm
Nicola Chadburn
All participants are required to pay a $3 entry fee for all activities unless otherwise stated
Wheelchair access, Accessible toilets, Accessible parking
Venue hire
Rooms for hire - seats 120, 20 tables, 120 chairs, full kitchen, patio, garden, piano, air conditioning, heating. Lounge area seats about 10. Available for hire Saturdays
- Listed below are examples of services and activities on offer. Program varies each term. Please phone for a current program: Provides recreational and social activities for older adults to drop in for a chat, participate in a class or group and have a hot lunch
- Community Cafe Mon, Wed and Fri - low cost 3 course lunch planned and prepared by a chef and volunteers using produce from the kitchen garden, orders by 11am, served at noon
- Activities include darts, card games, snooker, rummikin, eight ball, pottery, card making, bingo, knitting
- Friendship Club, Mondays and Thursdays 10am-3pm, 8186 5501, respite group for those over 65 years of age offering a wide range of activities.
- Health and fitness - e.g. walking, yoga, line dancing, strength and fitness and ballroom dancing
- Ladies night 6pm 1st Fri - casual get together for fun, BYO drinks and supper to share
- Community garden
- Venue for hire
Last updated: 06/12/2023
Information provided for: Onkaparinga Council (City of Onkaparinga)
This record was updated by: Volunteer David.
Information provided for: Onkaparinga Council (City of Onkaparinga)
This record was updated by: Volunteer David.
Council: City of Onkaparinga
Electorate (State): Reynell
Electorate (Federal): Kingston
- 512Aged
- 55Bingo
- 43Board Games
- 13 Chess
- 66Bowling (Carpet)
- 93Card Games
- 27 Bridge
- 152Community Centres
- 49Community Gardens
- 68Computing
- 10Courses
- 65Eight Ball
- 20Embroidery
- 412Fitness
- 37 Aerobics
- 59 Gentle Exercise
- 1 Jogging
- 29 Pilates
- 187Gardening
- 791Halls For Hire
- 12Low Cost
- 79Meals
- 13Pottery, Ceramics
- 147Senior Citizens Clubs
- 168Seniors
- 857Social & Activity Groups
- 58Walking
- 4Word Processing