Artist Blacksmiths Association of SA Inc.
Artist Blacksmiths Association of SA Inc.

Penfield Forge, Woomera Rd Edinburgh, SA 5111

0421 072 589 Secretary

The Secretary, 15 Pearson St Parafield Gardens, SA 5107
Secretary, Angie Cameron
Monthly, 4th Thurs 7.30pm, Empire Hotel, 414 Prospect Rd Kilburn
Home Base: Penfield Forge
(Within the Penfield Sporting Association grounds)
Woomera Rd, Edinburgh SA 5111
- Support, training, communication and networking for artist blacksmiths
- Forging workshops
Last updated: 16/10/2023
Information provided for: Salisbury Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Information provided for: Salisbury Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Council: City of Salisbury
Electorate (State): Taylor
Electorate (Federal): Spence