ALIA National Simultaneous Storytime 24 May 2023
Submitted by Past Volunteer ... on Wed, 05/24/2023 - 15:59

What: ALIA National Simultaneous Storytime 2023
When: 24 May 2023 11am
It is that time of year again when National Simultaneous Storytime takes place! A picture book that is written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator is read simultaneously in many places accross the country each year. ALIA aims to promote the value of reading and literacy that addresses key learning areas of the National Curriculum for children up to Year 6.
The book for this year is The Speedy Sloth, written by Rebecca Young and illustrated by Health McKenzie.
"It was finally time for the event of the year, Spike couldn't believe it - THE GREAT RACE was here!"
This year it takes place on the 24th May (Wednesday) at 11am. You can purchase a copy of the book to read on ALIA's website. It comes with a variety of digital formats you can download from 22 May to 26 May. ALIA also provides merchandise you can purchase to get included in the event, including a range of stickers, posters, bookmarks, badges and bunting. The purchase link is available on the website as well.
Click the link to register for the event!
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