List your organisation
Listing your organisation on SAcommunity is free. You must have an account on our system in order to add a listing. Organisations submitted are subject to approval by Connecting Up . Please follow the steps outlined below:
1. Does your organisation meet our criteria?
Organisations are eligible for inclusion on our site if they are non-profit and provide services that are available to the community. Full criteria are available here.
2. Do you have an account on SAcommunity?
- Log in using your username and password
- Create a new organisation. Please add all relevant information
If you have forgotten your password, you can request a new password which will then be emailed to you.
- Please register to create your account
- Log in using your username and password
- Create a new organisation. Please add all relevant information
Instructions on creating an account can be found here:
Instructions on claiming an existing listing can be found here:
3. What happens next?
Organisations that are added to SAcommunity will be moderated to ensure that
- they meet our criteria
- sufficient details are included
- there is compliance with editorial style
- they do not duplicate existing content
After you have added an organisation, you can log in again at any time to change or update details as required.
Connecting Up retains editorial control and reserves the right to exclude organisations that do not meet the criteria, and to modify content to comply with our style and standards.
4. Any questions?
Please contact us.
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