SAcommunity News

to SAcommunity News, our monthly e-newsletter. It will help you keep up with happenings in the South Australian community sector including changes to existing services and programs, new organisations, meetings and conferences, events and other interesting items.

Would you like the opportunity to feature your not-for-profit organisation, services, programs or upcoming events, in our newsletter SAcommunity News and/or across our social media channels?

SAcommunity eNews

Social Media channels
SAcommunity Blog
Instagram and 
LinkedIn accounts

Looking for media articles on community services operating in your area?

Visit SAcommunity Council Media for stories about organisations located near you by council.

There is no cost as it is part of creating community connections.

We publish information of interest to the community sector and regularly seek guest contributions for these articles. This is a platform to present information about your services to a broad readership throughout South Australia and reach new audiences and potentially new members and supporters.

Please send us brief contributions, (find a blog guide >>here) with photos if possible, if you have relevant content that you would like us to include email or complete our SAcommunity Media online form >>here or call us 08 7095 2233.

Contributions for the monthly eNews must be submitted by the 15th of the previous month. 

Photo: Volunteers Oscar Bigiolli, Samantha Whillas and Brooke Lloyd

About Our SAcommunity Media Team

Our volunteers write storytelling articles on community organisations located across the state, collecting news and information through phone or zoom interviews, via emails, our online media form as well as collating stories from media releases and other sources to feature on SAcommunity social media channels and community event calendars.

These storytelling articles act to create awareness, promote and raise the profile of local community organisations. Introducing the activities, events and services provided by organisations for council and library referrals, opportunities for service partnerships, funding and grants and to encourage community participation and connections. 

Looking for media articles by volunteer?
Visit SAcommunity Media for stories about organisations by volunteer.

June eNews collated by Intern Gillianne Restor
Includes Blog posts:
June Community Events Calendar
The Smith Family's Dream RunYorke Peninsula Dinner DanceRotary Community Impact ExpoMalka Aboriginal Art PrizeWorld Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) Online ForumCroatian Folkloric Arts Festival 2023 AdelaideLyndoch Lunch and Tea DancesVinnies CEO Sleepout 
Feature: Badminton, ever played?

May eNews collated by Intern Nicole Cheng
March eNews collated by Intern Nada Soldo
Includes Blog Posts:
March Community Events Calendar
SA Water's Community Partnerships ProgramProspect Community Garden - Organic Weed and Pest Control Workshop, and Make a Pledge Competition
Feature: Pangaringa Botanic Gardens

February eNews collated by Intern Wing Yi Wong
Includes Blog Posts:
February Community Events Calendar
Prospect Twilight Sessions 2023Chilli Fest WillungaAdelaide FringeSchützenfest Adelaide 2023The Orangutan Project Movie NightLoxton Mardi Gras Festival 2023Mardi Gras Appreciation Service
Second-Wind Ensemble - good company and good music

December eNews
collated by SAcommunity
Includes Blog posts: December Community Events Calendar
Christmas Meals 2022 - where people who are in need, isolated or alone can have a meal
Carols in the ParkMount Barker Christmas PageantPLEG Eco MarketRotary Sausage Sizzle FundraiserReynella Christmas PageantPort Wakefield's Community Christmas EventCafe Crozier Community Christmas DinnerME/CFS SA Online, New Year's Events

November eNews collated by Intern Fahmid Kibria
Includes Blog posts: November Community Events Calendar
NaNoWriMo Library EventsFork on the Road Food Truck eventAdelaide Remembrance Day ServiceAdelaide Italian FestivalMusic Quiz Night CabaretChristmas Makers MarketWaikerie Christmas FairNorwood Christmas PageantLoxton Christmas Lights FestivalFeature Maximising your International Student Experience in SA

October eNews collated by Intern Cecilia Mao
Includes Blog posts: October Community Events Calendar
Bathukamma Festival of FlowersDungeons and Dragons at City of Port Adelaide Enfield Libraries, Love My Garden Competition, GovHack SA Awards, Nature Festival, Army Museum Open Day, Walk4Brain Cancer, Happy Birthday Prospect Community Garden, OzAsia Festival, SA Geranium & Pelargonium Society Annual Spring FairProspect Spring Fair, Australian Plants Society Spring Sale

September eNews collated by Intern Taylor Alland
Includes Blog posts: September Community Events 2022 Calendar
Legacy Week 2022Native Orchid Society of SA Spring ShowThe Hills Small Acreage Field Days, Feature Barossa Medieval Fair, Feature The Indonesian Students Association of SAVolleyball SA Supports Breakthrough Mental Health ResearchMeet our new Interns & Volunteers


May- South Australian History Festival, SA Youth Week, Privacy Awareness Week,National Volunteer Week, Library and Information Week, National Reconciliation Week, Cancer Council's Australia's Biggest Morning Tea

Please note: SAcommunity has found with Covid-19 that many community events are in hiatus or being cancelled last minute, therefore we have focussed on our SAcommunity social media channels instead of static eNews as they are more dynamic in case of last minute event changes. Watch this space as we look forward to continuing to connect again with our eNewsletter soon.

February - SA Healthy Towns Challenge Grants, February Events 2020, Adelaide Tet Festival / Vietnamese New Year 2020, 7th Marilyn Jetty Swim, Chilli Fest Willunga, Zdravei / Bulgarian Festival, Loxton Mardis Gras, Climate Ready Communities, Citizen Science for Greener, Healthier Communities, Connecting Up training events for NFPs in February 2020 and more!

January - Connecting Bushfire support services, January Events 2020, SA Bushfire Appeal, Tourrific Prospect, Port Lincoln Tunarama, Connecting Up training events for NFPs in 2020 and more!

December - Christmas Meals, Christmas Pageant Nights and Festivals, Reynella Raceway 1/32 Slot Cars, Kiwanis Club of Prospect, Connecting Up training events for NFPs in 2020 and more!

November - Christmas Pageant Guide 2019, North Adelaide Croquet Club Tournaments, International Rainbow Girls Halloween Night, The Ethnic Schools Association Parade & Concert, Bromeliad Extravaganza Weekend, 2019 Basket Range Sandstone Uraidla & Summertown Show, Climate Ready Communities and Beat the heat: Hot in the city workshops, SABCA & The Multicultural Festival, City of Marion celebrates: Their Triumph, Our Motivation and more!

October - October Plant and Flower Expos, World Singing Day, Begonia & Fern Spring Show, Burra Districts Open Gardens and Spring Garden Expo, Quiz Long and Prosper, SA Geranium & Pelargonium Society Spring Show, Ride Like a Girl Families4Families - Movie Night Fundraiser, Schubert Mass in G - Cantabile Singers, 2019 Prospect Spring Fair, 2019 Iris Show and more!

September -  GovHack Adelaide and Mount Gambier 2019, Parkinson's SA Conference, Techspace Learning, Yoga, Australian Plants Society SA Expo, Kindergym, Kiwanis Club, Onkaparinga City Concert Band's 'Night at the Movies Cabaret' and more.

 - Woodworkers Shed - Northern Districts Project Day, Adelaide Harmony Choir Concert, Barossa Medieval Fair, Riverland Hit N' Miss Rally, Therry Dramatic Society's Production, Australian Meteorological Association's Science Event, Come and Join Prospect Community Garden, Brighton Combined Probus, Freeling Senior Citizens Club and more!

July - Sustainable Online Community Engagement Program, NAIDOC Week, National Diabetes Week, Onkaparinga City Concert Band Showcase, ATBDS Annual Ball, Willunga Almond Blossom Festival and more!

 - The Ironclad Academy of the Sword, Multicultural Grants, World Elder Abuse Day Conference, Vinnies CEO Sleepout, Viennese Night, Mylor Bonfire, Robot Havoc 2, Global MND Day, 70 Years of the Bulgarian Educational and Friendly Society, Join Prospect Community Garden and more!

May - South Australia's History Festival, Prospect Community Garden talks and produce swap, Gumeracha Medieval Fair, Proms in the South, Dolls, Bears, Toys and Collectables Exhibition, National Volunteer Week, National Palliative Care Week, WOW Day, Animal Welfare League Microchipping Day and more!

April - Dog Day Afternoon, Parkinson's Walkathon and Family Fete, Flagstaff Hill Art Show, Festival of Flowers, Australian Refugee Association Gawler - Multicultural Social and Shared Meal, Brompton Footpath Painting Project, Prospect Community Garden talks and Food Swap, Sing Australia Annual Celebration and more!

March - The 3-Legged Challenge for Carers, The Epilepsy Centre Purple Day Event, Australian Refugee Association Gawler - Multicultural Social and Shared Meal, Flagstaff Hill Art Show Welcome Artist Entries, Brompton Painters Wanted, Organisation Transition and ICT and more!

February - 'Show Time' with Loxton Mardi Gras Family Festival, Kangarilla 50/50 Dance, Herringbone Stitch Exhibition - Embroiderers' Guild, North Adelaide Croquet Club, Thank you City of Prospect and more!


October - Digital Springboard, All Stitched Up - Embroiderers' Guild Exhibition, GovHack State Awards 2018, U3A Prospect, Biennial Barossa Rose & Flower Show, News from the Team, We're Looking for Volunteers

August - Housing and Homelessness, Carrington Cottages, Seniors Volleyball, GovHack 2018, Treasure Boxes, Volunteers Film

July - SA Healthy Towns Challenge, ATBDS Annual Ball, SA History Fund, SALIN Game Night, YTAP Charity Ball, Thank you volunteers

- Your Rights as a Job Seeker, Infoxchange Digital Skills Initiative, National Volunteer Week, National Palliative Care Week, Library & Information Week, 100 Years of Croquet, Community Support Fund City of Prospect

April - Festival of Flowers, Autumn Expo and Plant Sale, Mount Lofty Botanic Garden Plant Sale, International Workers' Memorial Day, South Australian History Festival, Photographic Competition, Age of Elegance

March - Connecting Up Learning Centre, Kurdish Newroz Festival, The Epilepsy Centre's Family Fun Day, Playgroup SA, SAcommunity Survey, 'Come and try' Yoga and more!

February - SAcommunity is on Facebook, Not-for-profit Tech Survey, Trees for Life - 'Come and Try' Bushcare

January  featuring January Calendar, Australia Day Events, New Year's Resolutions, Public Speaking and Focus on a Service: Baptist Care SA


November - featuring November Calender, Australian Not-for-profit Tech Awards, Geocaching and Spring Fair 

September - featuring the Festival of Good Humans and SAcommunity at your library!

August - featuring community events, national science week and miniature wargaming

July - featuring July Calendar, GovHack SA 2017, Improve IT, Social Investments Grants Program

June - featuring June Calendar, Building a Cause Community, EOFY Donations and Discounts, Dance & ATBDS, History Fund, SAcommunity Survey

May - featuring SA History Festival, Ransomware, Techfugees Hackathon, Library & Information Week, ALIA, SALIN and the SAcommunity Survey

April - featuring Gardening groups, Social Media Photo Tips, WeDo Volunteer app, Cooperative housing, Seniors Groups, Probus Groups and more!

March - featuring Newroz, 5 Website content tips, The Orchid Club of SA, Onkaparinga Senior Citizens and more!

February - featuring the Australian NFP Awards, Holiday Planning, WHS and Safework, SAcommunity Survey Winner, Salisbury Ramblers, Volunteering SA&NT Calendar.


December - featuring SAcommunity survey, Australian Not-for-profit Awards, Volunteer Committe Survey, SA Writers Centre, The Reynella Writers and more! 

November - featuring National Novel Writing Month, Connecting Up Learning Centre, A&H Doddridge Blacksmith Shop, Save Our Audiovisual Heritage

October - featuring Mental Health and Wellbeing, Connecting Up donations and Discounts, Upper Spencer Gulf Outreach, YWCA and International Rainbow Girls 

September - featuring Alzheimer's Australia, SACOSS, Unleashed, refurbished-tech program and the Reading Writing Hotline

August - featuring National Homelessness Prevention Week, National Missing Persons Week, National Science Week and Daffodil Day

July - featuring the Queen Adelaide Society, National Diabetes Week, the Catalyst Foundation and National Tree Day

June - featuring Men's Sheds, Museums and More... Cloud Computing the iAwards and the SAcommunity film

May - featuring SA History Festival, Volunteer Week and the Lolly Jar Circus



November - featuring community Christmas celebrations

October - featuring Building better mental health

September - featuring Location SA

August - featuring LGBTI services for older people

July - featuring Lifelong learning through U3A

June - featuring Changes to care services for seniors

May - featuring Connecting Up Conference 2015

April - featuring Autism Month

March - featuring Youth Parliament 2015

February - featuring Good passwords for good security


December - featuring RFDS remote health & Christmas-New Year support services

November - featuring Christmas events in the community

October  - featuring Recreation & sport for people with a disability

September - featuring KESAB environmental programs

August - featuring Innovative services for young people

July - featuring Community services spotlight

June - featuring Tax Help

May - featuring Community Legal Education

April - featuring Op shops in SA

March - featuring Palliative care information

February - featuring MapIQ community services map


December - featuring Christmas Day meals and emergency services

November - featuring Christmas Pageants around SA

October - featuring Seniors in South Australia

September - featuring Disability SA’s individualised funding program

August - featuring Home energy - cutting costs

July - featuring Community Events, finding out what's on

June - featuring Medicare Locals

May - featuring SA History Festival

April - featuring RDNS, making a difference for 120 years in SA

March - featuring mental health respite services

February - featuring A-Z Acronyms SA 2013


December- featuring Christmas-New Year emergency relief services

November - featuring Christmas in the community

October - featuring LGBTIQ - lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer services

September - featuring Helping refugees 

August - featuring SA History

June - featuring changes in Home Care Services

May - featuring Animals and birds

April - featuring Energy efficiency

March - featuring Suicide prevention

February - featuring Transport - it's the way we get around


December - featuring Summer holidays

November - featuring Christmas in the community

October - featuring Mental Health

September - featuring Community Supported Agriculture

August - featuring Art & Craft

July - featuring NAIDOC Week

June - featuring World Environment Day

May - featuring Volunteering

April  - featuring Collaborative Consumption

March - featuring Multicultural Organisations

February - featuring Walking Groups 


December - featuring Swimming and Water Safety

November - Christmas Pageants and Events

October - featuring Mental Health Services

September - featuring Choirs and Singing

August - featuring Wellbeing through Community Connection

July - featuring Men's Sheds and Community Sheds

June - featuring Farmers Markets

May - featuring Community Gardens



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