Community Information Australia Networkers forum 14 March

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The ALIA Community Information Australia Networkers group invites you a forum on - find what you're looking for!

10am – 11.30am Wednesday 14 March 2012

Connecting Up, Level 8, 108 King William Street, Adelaide 5000

Come along to hear our speaker and join our discussion!

Barb Kempnich, Chief Editor will speak about the State Government website This site presents information about state government and a wide variety of topics that are relevant to residents of South Australia. It is structured around  themes that make sense to customers. The content is written and managed by teams of people who are subject experts, ensuring that it is both accurate and relevant. Barb will talk about the history of the site, how it was developed, how it is maintained and how the public can interact with it.

This event is open to all interested people but there are limited places available – please RSVP by cob Friday 9 March 2012.

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