Orchid Club of South Australia's 85th Anniversary

What: Orchid Club of South Australia's 85th Anniversary
Who: Orchid Club of SA
Where: Enfield Community Centre, 540 Regency Road, Enfield 5085
How: Orchid Club of SA Members - join today!
The Orchid Club of South Australia (OCSA) celebrate their 85th Anniversary in August 2024
OCSA has been instrumental in the advancement and appreciation of orchids as well as aiding in the preservation and propagation of orchids. Along with the love of the plants there is also the promotion of good fellowship within the club and the fostering of ties to people and organisations outside of the club both interstate and overseas.
How did the Orchid Club begin?
In August 1939 a group of like-minded people met to form the Orchid Club of South Australia (OCSA) and so began the first specialist orchid club in South Australia. Other orchid clubs around the state are now affiliated with the Orchid Club of SA
Tell us more about your organisation and what they do?
Orchid Show and Festival of Flowers
In 2003, OCSA hosted the Australian Orchid Show and Conference in the Centennial Hall at the Showgrounds. This event was billed as Orchids in the Wine State and the show was a major success for the club and is widely regarded as the best ever Australian Show.
The Orchid Club of SA with other plant societies has been instrumental in instigating and running the Festival of Flowers. This annual event features an impressive gathering of South Australian garden clubs and commercial vendors working together to show and display plants, with stall holders offering specialist plant information along with demonstrations from experienced senior growers as well as hosting a monster plant sale
Orchids in Schools
In 2011 the club commenced the Orchids in Schools project and it is still running in 2024 with the students learning about orchid culture and participating in monthly competition as well as the club’s major shows and the Royal Adelaide Show orchid competition. The students also do presentations on the Horticulture Stage at the Royal Show as well as excursions and radio interviews.
OCSA Patron
The spouse of the State Governor is usually OCSA’s patron and in 2024 that is the case with Mr. Bunten as club patron. The club tends to the orchid collection housed at Government House and members visit the to carry out routine culture maintenance on the many plants in the shade house. The club’s 80th anniversary celebration was held at Government House when Mrs. Lan Le was the club patron.
In August 2024 the club will be celebrating their 85th Anniversary at both the club meeting groups. At the Night Group meeting on the first Thursday in August the club will have guest speakers Graham Guest and Des Bettcher. Des will be giving a ‘history of the club’ presentation.
The main celebration activities will be at the Day Group on the second Friday of August at 2pm. Guest speakers will be well known media presenter Sophie Thomson and OCSA orchid judge John Lampard talking about Paphiopedilum orchids. Both events will have a club memorabilia display and both will held be at the Enfield Community Hall on Regency Rd. at Enfield.
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