What's happening July-August 2012...

We like to provide a constant stream of information about events for the community and nonprofit sector in SA. Here are some events coming up in July and August that we have found out about.

Here at SAcommunity we like to provide a constant stream of information about events for the community and nonprofit sector in SA. Here are some events coming up in July and August that we have found out about.

Keep an eye on the SAcommunity Twitter stream as well as we post lots of useful information there each day. If you have an event that you'd like us to include, please contact us at support@sacommunity.org. 

2-8 July 2012
NAIDOC Week - events include a march from Victoria Sqaure to Elder Park, followed by a family fun day. NAIDOC Week celebrations are held each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.


3-5 July 2012 
Suicide prevention trainingMOSH (Minimisation Of Suicide Harm) and WIRC (Work Injured Resource Connection) in conjunction with OzHelp are presenting SafeTalk (1/2 day) and ASIST (2 days).

5 July 2012
DIRC Disability Forum - Barriers to justice for people with disabilities, guest speaker Hon Kelly Vincent MLC, 10.30am - 12.30pm, 195 Gilles St Adelaide.

8-14 July 2012
Diabetes Awareness Week. Contact Diabetes SA, a charity that helps people with diabetes to learn to live with diabetes.

14-15 July 2012
Camp Communityrun - a two day training camp run in partnership with GetUp and CommunityRun that will take you through strategy, media and getting your message out and run a successful campaign on an issue that you want.

26 July2012
Digital Storytelling Workshop - provided by Connecting Up! Every not-for-profit has a story to tell. Whether it's about the service you provide, the cause you support or the people you have helped, these stories can be a powerful tool to engage your audience. This workshop will show how you can create a digital story using available and affordable technology to accomplish high quality results.

29 July - 4 August 2012
Missing Persons Week - for every person reported missing approximately 12 people are directly affected, including family members, friends and work colleagues.

31 July 2012
Grants workshop from Philanthropy Australia: Charitable Trusts & Foundation Funding - how to look for funding from philanthropic sources.

11-19 August 2012
National Science Week - an annual celebration of  wonders and benefits of science in Australia.

24 August - 2 September 2012
Salisbury Writers Festival -  offers writing enthusiasts and book lovers the opportunity to develop  writing skills and meet and learn from some of the best writers in the business.

Salisbury Writers


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