LGBTIQ – what does that mean?

LGBTIQ is a shortcut for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer.
Some links below are historical and have been edited and expanded.
Please find a revision for 2020 >>here
The LGTBIQ community is as diverse as the rest of the population, but because of views held in some sections of our society about homosexuality, LGTBIQ people can experience discrimination and marginalisation that lead to a range of related problems concerning self-esteem, physical and mental health.
The South Australian Government is developing a strategy to better engage and consult with LGBTIQ people on issues important to them. A Rainbow Advisory Council is being established as part of the strategy forming the Rainbow Email Network. The council will provide an opportunity for LGBTIQ people to: meet with representatives from government agencies; express their view on issues important to them; and provide advice to the government about inclusion strategies.
There are a number of organisations that provide support services to the LGBTIQ community in South Australia.
SAMESH (Partnership between ShineSA and Thorne Harbour Health)
- provides counselling for gay men and MSM (Men who have sex with men) in person and online, for individuals and couples at risk of or living with HIV and other STI's
(Note: Formerly AIDS Council Gay Men’s Health (Closed 2013) - visit the Facebook page to link with resources, activities and people. There is an LGBTIQ Elders Big Day Out coming up on Saturday 13 October 2012, 11am-5pm at Fullarton Park.)
Bfriend - Uniting Communities’ Bfriend program provides social support for people of all ages who are wondering about their sexuality/ gender identity and people who are newly identifying as same-sex-attracted/gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender/intersex/queer. Bfriend offers peer support, facilitating groups with other newly identifying people, workshops, resources, and opportunities for social connection.
Note: Gay & Lesbian Community Services of SA Inc. (Closed 2017) provided telephone counselling 7 days per week 7pm - 10pm. Counsellors (male and female) assist people on the telephone with problems regardless of gender or sexual orientation. They offer information and referral services to people regarding sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS, sexuality, lifestyle and other issues.
PSP Flag SA (Parents Supporting Parents & Friends of Lesbians and Gays) is a South Australian support group for parents and their children who are gay, lesbian or bisexual. The aim of this group is to help keep families together.
Shine SA – has information on LGBTIQ issues as well as specific projects that support the community.
The Queer Society - social and advocacy group for people of diverse genders, sexes and sexualities
(Note: Southern Men’s Group (Closed 2017)- social activities and support for gay, bisexual or same sex attracted men.)
Note: Women’s & Children’s Health Network website formerly provided information about a wide range of relevant topics including:sexuality; coming out; same-sex attracted parents; young people who are gay or lesbian.
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