Christmas Day meals and emergency relief services 2012

Many South Australian community and government services close or operate on a limited basis over the Christmas - New Year period. To help service providers who are looking for organisations that provide a meal for isolated or disadvantaged people on Christmas Day, or emergency relief services between Christmas 2012 and New Year 2013, Connecting Up is compiling a list of services that are available at that time.
Please contact us if you have information to add to this listing.
Christmas Day meals and gatherings
Adare Uniting Church
Christmas Day Luncheon from 12 noon - no charge
The Drive, Victor Harbor
Please register attendance by calling church office on Tues, Thurs or Friday Mornings Tel. 8552 8377
Hutt Street Centre
Open on Christmas Day from 9am – 1pm. Christmas lunch provided from 11.30am-12.45pm
258 Hutt Street, Adelaide 5000
Tel. 8418 2500
MarionLIFE Community Services
Christmas Day BBQ in the car park of Marion Church of Christ from 12.30pm
Please RSVP to MarionLIFE Community Services by 13 December.
887 Marion Road, Mitchell Park
Tel. 8277 0304
Mount Barker Family House
Christmas Day Lunch from 12 noon
31 Princes Rd, Mount Barker SA 5251
Tel. 0411 051 116 Chris
Sponsored by Gospel of Christ Fellowship
Salvation Army - Golden Grove
Christmas Day Luncheon from 12 - no charge. All children receive a free gift.
99 Wynn Vale Drive, Wynn Vale 5127
Please register by calling church office on 8289 4784
St Lukes Whitmore Square
Providing lunch on Christmas Day – all welcome
35 Whitmore Square, Adelaide 5000
Tel. 8231 4149
Community Christmas Lunch - supported by Uniting Communities, Sammy D Foundation and the City of Onkaparinga
11am-2pm at South Adelaide Panthers Club, Galloway Road, O'Sullivan Beach. Register by 17 December 2012, tel. 8202 5010
Government services
Most State and Commonwealth Government services are open during the Christmas - New Year period, excepting public holidays, operating with limited staff.
Telephone services and service centres will be closed on
Tuesday 25 December 2012
Wednesday 26 December 2012
Thursday 27 December 2012
Saturday 29 December 2012
Tuesday 1 January 2013
Monday 28 January 2013
Information about payment arrangements over Christmas 2012, New Year and Australia Day 2013 is available at
Legal Services Commission SA
Open except on public holidays
Legal Help Line 1300 366 424 and Child Support Helpline 8463 3576 will be open on 27, 28 and 31 December 2012, 9am - 5pm
Telephone services
The following 24 hour telephone services will remain open between Christmas and New Year
- Child Abuse Report Line - tel. 13 1478
- Crisis Care - tel. 13 1611 - normal operating hours continue. Weekdays - 4pm - 9am; 24 hours weekends and public holidays
- Domestic Violence Helpline - tel. 1800 800 098
- Gambling Helpline - tel. 1800 060 757
- Kids Help Line - tel. 1800 551 800
- Lifeline - tel. 13 1114
- Mental Health Assessment and Crisis Intervention Service - tel. 13 1465
- Veterans & Veterans Families Counselling Service - tel. 1800 011 046
Emergency relief services
Anglicare Outreach Centre Whyalla
34-36 Galpin Street, Whyalla Stuart
Tel. 8649 1026
Closed from 12 noon Friday 21 December 2012, re-opening 9am Monday 14 January 2013
Anglicare SA - St Hilary's
1 William St, Morphett Vale
Tel. 8392 3170
Closed from Monday 24 December, re-opening Wednesday 2 January 2013
Clients can access emergency food parcels from reception during this time
Anglicare Elizabeth Mission
Elizabeth Walk, Elizabeth 5112
Closed from Monday 24 December 2012, reopensn Wednesday 2 January 2013
Emergency assistance available from Monday 14 January 2013
Anglicare Salisbury Old Rectory
9 Mary Street, Salisbury 5108
Closed from Monday 24 December 2012, reopens Wednesday 2 January 2013
Emergency assistance available from Monday 7 January 2013
Fred's Van
The vans will operate as follows:
Fred's Van City
Gawler Place between Flinders St and Wakefield St, Adelaide 5000
Tuesday - Thursday 7pm and Sunday 6pm
No service Christmas Day
Fred's Van Christies Beach
Southern Youth Exchange, 13 McKinna Road, Christie Downs
Sunday & Wednesday 7pm
Last service Sunday 23 December 2012, re-opening Wednesday 2 January 2013
Fred's Van Salisbury
Anglicare Hall, Church Street, Salisbury 5108
Sunday 6pm
Fred’s Van Gawler
Pioneer Park, Lyndoch Road, Gawler 5118(next to Visitor Centre)
Thursday 6pm
Last Service Thursday 20 December 2012, re-opening Thursday 3 January 2013
Fred’s Van Elizabeth
outside Vinnies Centre, 8 Langford Drive, Elizabeth 5112
Wednesday 6pm
Last service Wednesday 12 December, re-opening Wednesday 9 January 2013
Fred's Van Semaphore
St Bedes Anglican Church Hall, 200 Military Rd, Semaphore 5019
Sunday 6pm
Fred’s Van Ferryden Park
St Paul’s Lutheran Church Hall, cnr Stuart St and Parker St, Ferryden Park 5010
Friday 7pm
Last service Friday 21 December 2012, re-opening Friday 4 January 2013
Lifeline South East SA
5 Mark St, Mount Gambier
Tel. 08 8723 2299
Closed only on public holidays
Magdalene Centre
26 Moore St, Adelaide
Tel. 8305 9382
Only closed on public holidays
Oars Community Transitions
closed from Friday 21 December 2012, re-opening Monday 7 January 2013
Pathway Community Centre
Closed from 1pm on Friday 21 December 2012, re-opening 9am Monday 7 January 2013
Playford Community Fund
2nd Floor, Windsor Building, Elizabeth
Tel. 8255 1599
Closed from Wednesday 19 December 2012, re-opening Monday 21 January 2013
Seaford Ecumenical Mission
Southern Urgent Relief (emergency assistance) will be available on Tuesday and Thursday mornings up to and including Thursday 20 December 2012, re-opening Tuesday 8 January 2013
OpShop and Cafe will close on 14 December 2012, re-opening Monday 7 January 2013
Shepherds Lodge
148 Frost Road, Brahma Lodge
Closed from Thursday 13 December 2012, re-opening Thursday 10 January 2013
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