Write a blog post for SAcommunity!

SAcommunity endeavours to highlight information about community organisations, resources, activities and events around South Australia so that everyone can be informed and able to benefit from and participate in community life.
We gather our information from many different sources but we also welcome contributions from people who have something interesting to say to our audience. So we invite people working or volunteering in community organisations and services in South Australia to contribute to our blog and feature in our newsletter. This is a great way to let a wider audience know about what you are doing.
Blog posts are approximately 300 words in length and can include a photo as well.
If you would like to let more people know about your organisation or service please send us an email to support@sacommunity.org or
complete our SAcommunity Media online form >>here
or call us 08 7095 2233
Sample Blog Format
If you would like, you can use the general format provided below if you do not have any prepared material:
Organisation Name:
How did you first become involved in the organisation:
(e.g. Joined 10 years ago because you had an interest in…, someone asked you…, you started the organisation.. etc.)
How did your organisation start? and why did it start?
(e.g. How did it begin and why? Was there a need in the community?)
What is your organisation and what do they do?
(e.g. Our organisation is… and every week, once a month we…)
How does your organisation help people connect?
(e.g. social outing each week, helps people to…, brings groups together,…)
How does your organisation help their community?
(e.g. provides recreational opportunity, raises funds, provides assistance or support to…)
What help does your organisation need?
(e.g. New members, volunteers, donations of tools and equipment, wool and sewing machines, funding)
Anything else you would like to add?
(e.g. Finals on Saturday…, new event coming up next month, festival, information session, anniversary, ‘Come and Try’ session etc.)
Would you like us to interview you?
If you don’t feel up to writing an article yourself, our volunteers can call and interview you with the questions above and create a blog post on your behalf. If you are interested, please contact us by phone 08 82128555 extension 203 or by email support@sacommunity.org and let us know when a convenient time and number to call you would be.
Sign up for the newsletter!
Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to receive news, information and events for the community sector in SA.