What's new? Lots!
Submitted by Rosalie Day on Wed, 02/27/2013 - 16:06
New listings in SAcommunity - find out what's there!

We are constantly finding new information about services and programs that are available to help individuals, families and communities. Here are some of the new listings that have been added recently to SAcommunity:
- Centacare PACE Service - helping people with panic anxiety, obsessive compulsive and eating disorders
- Clover Leaf Men's Shed - social, recreational and support activities for men in Mount Barker
- Diompillor Kissia SA Inc. - cultural group for people from West Africa
- Dis-Able Sailing Inc. - sailing program for disabled and disadvantaged children, adults and their carers
- Fleurieu Festival for the Performing Arts - biennial event in Port Noarlunga
- Howlers Rovers - Scout group for age 17-26 in Echunga
- Innovation Calisthenics Club - calisthenics classes in Belair
- Thrifty V Shop - supporting Lyell McEwin Volunteers Hospital
- Murraylands Young Professionals - networking group in Murray Bridge
- Parkinsons Support Group Mount Gambier - support and health information
- Salisbury Seniors Citizens Choir - singing and performing fun
- South Australian Photographic Federation Inc. - encouraging amateur photogaphers
If your community organisation or service is not already listed, please add it - contact us if you need help!
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