Friends of the Coorong - our WiFi Tablet prize winner!

We are delighted to announce that the winner of our prize draw for an ASUS WiFi tablet is local environment group, Friends of the Coorong, based in Meningie. This is what they said:
Friends of the Coorong Inc. is a community based group of volunteers who work in partnership with the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources. The Friends group is dedicated to the protection and enhancement of the natural and cultural heritage in the Coorong National Park and adjacent reserves.
Our members were excited to learn we were to be the recipients of the Asus Wi-Fi tablet from Connecting Up Inc.
The tablet will be a most useful tool when our volunteers are working in the parks, allowing us to access information such as weather forecasts and flora and fauna identification. When any of our members participate in bird surveys, walks, maintenance of historic sites, tree planting, clean up days or weed and vermin control they will be able to make on the spot data entries, download photos, update maps, post updates to apps and lodge articles directly with our local media. Points of history and other questions can be clarified immediately.
Thanks to the convenience of the tablet, it will make it practical for us to establish a Facebook site which can be directly accessed. This will enhance interest from our existing members as well as attract new members.
All members will be given the opportunity to use the tablet at our events, increasing their confidence in using new technology. No more lugging around heavy species identification books – no more scratching down notes on a piece of paper!
For more information on our group go to
We are pleased to know that our prize will help a South Australian not-for-profit to continue the valuable work they do for the community.
Thank you to everyone for your contributions of information to SAcommunity - this helps everyone to find help and resources that are available and makes our community a better place!
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