Giving Tuesday
On 3 December 2013, Australian businesses, not-for-profits, charities, community groups, families and individuals are encouraged to join a global movement and celebrate a day of giving to kick off the giving season. This day is called #GivingTuesday.
#GivingTuesday started in 2012 with New York’s 92nd Street Y and the United Nations Foundation bringing different sectors together to ‘give back’ and support local not-for-profits, causes and communities. The inaugural #GivingTuesday saw over 2500 not-for-profit and business partners participate in different ways that resulted in awareness being raised of key issues and a significant increase in giving on that day.
There are lots of ways to get involved - for example businesses are encouraged to find a not-for-profit to support, then raise some funds by running a morning tea, volunteering for the day, or matching donations.
The not-for-profit sector gives much to the community by addressing problems, helping people, advocating and acting for important causes, and being open and accountable. We need not-for-profits and charities to thrive, so let's help them as much as we can!
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