Meet our 14,000th entry - Lolly Jar Circus

Lolly Jar Circus (LJC) has been operating for 2 1/2 years, offering circus training to young people up to 26 years old, including those with physical or intellectual disabilities or who are socially at risk.


Young people with and without disabilities learn the skills together, each at his or her own level.  We tumble, juggle, hula-hoop, stilt-walk, clown around and have a lot of fun.  Up until now we have had 2 classes each Wednesday as well as outreach sessions with schools and other organizations.  As of this term we will also have a pre-school class called "Little Lollies" on Friday mornings.  We still have spaces, so get in touch!


Lolly Jar Circus has achieved some great things in a short period of time. Participants have improved in fitness, strength and flexibility.  Some have improved in their speech.  All have made friends.  LJC was chosen by the amazing Cirque du Soleil as its benefit partner for its Adelaide tour of "Totem" last year and all of our participants had to opportunity to attend the dress rehearsal at no cost, igniting their performance dreams.  We have put on some small public performances.


One of our participants with Down Syndrome did so well in our classes that we appointed him a trainer.  He then won the Australian Circus and Physical Theatre Association "Spirit of Circus" Award 2016, which saw him training at Circus Oz last week.


LJC is a not for profit and a charity.  The trainers are paid but all administration and board direction is voluntary.  The smiles are ample reward.


Judy Bowden, CEO, Lolly Jar Circus Inc.


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