Seniors Volleyball - Come and try!

Wanted to give volleyball a try? SAcommunity lists 35 services offering the sport. The Community Information Team had the opportunity to speak to Alan Noble from Seniors Volleyball and discovered that it’s never too late to learn, have fun and stay active.
Alan was formerly a Senior Lecturer at UniSA and conducted classes at the Institute for Fitness and Training, starting the Seniors Volleyball group in 1968. The club has now been meeting twice weekly for over 50 years.
“Volleyball is a great game, providing both male and female participants with hour long, fun-filled sessions requiring mobility, communication and teamwork, plus mastery of 3 or 4 basic volleyball skills.”
“One of the good things about volleyball is that unlike football you can continue the sport later in life, we play to modified rules in an attempt to involve participation by all players on the court. Over the years, several of our former members have continued playing well into their 80’s, one retired at 90… but currently there are only two octogenarians in the team.”
Interested in playing? Our meeting times at Plympton International College (formerly William Light School) have changed recently due to school building renovations. At present our sessions run from 5 to 6 PM on Sundays and 6.15 to 7.15 PM on Mondays. Access to the gym is from the school’s staff carpark via Myer Avenue, Plympton.
For further information about the Seniors Volleyball club, contact Alan on 08 8297 1150.
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