GovHack SA 2018: Competition Weekend 7 - 9 September 2018
Photo GovHack Competition Weekend (R - L): Catherine McIntyre (Data Mentor - Connecting Up), Alison Do, Antonious Tama, Rebecca (Data Mentor - ATO), Matri Patel, Vanshika Kapoor, Dave (Data Mentor - ATO) and Kenley Walter.
What did you do on your weekend?
The GovHack Competition Weekend ran over the 7 – 9th September and was everything you could expect and more from this Australia-wide hackathon and community development event.
Tell me more!
GovHack is one of the world’s biggest open data competitions and it didn’t disappoint. Connecting Up staff attended the Adelaide venue as data mentors to support the event and answer questions on the SAcommunity dataset. Competitors looked at new and innovative ways of using public data to transform public services and at solving some of the 2018 challenges presented by a wide variety of sponsors. Check out the Hackerspace for details on some of the insightful entries submitted.
Who are those people in the photo?
Some of the enthusiastic competitors included Connecting Up’s own volunteer Alison Do, returning for her second year at GovHack with her new team XTRA and their project Xtra Jobs who were happy to pose for a photograph with us together with data mentors from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
How does SAcommunity fit into this?
The SAcommunity team were also excited to note that Mount Gambier group Just We Three and their project Connected – Councils Connecting Community utilised the SAcommunity dataset and the Mount Gambier subset provided by Connecting Up for the event, a film explaining more about their project can be found here:
Who else was there?
Connecting Up staff met other Data Mentors and Sponsors across several South Australian government departments championing digital innovation including ICT and Digital Government, ATO, Environment Protection Authority (EPA), Department for Education, Department for Environment and Water (DEW) and DSTO as well as competitors addressing a wide range of problems, providing a wonderful opportunity discuss data and investigate common issues experienced.
Now what?
Let the judging commence!
And then? To the Victors the Spoils!
SA State Awards Night - to celebrate the winning teams
Where: North Adelaide Community Centre and Library 176 Tynte St, North Adelaide SA 5006
When: 10th October 2018 Time: 5.30pm - 9pm
Register via Hackerspace
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