March Community Events 2019

Photo: Magpie geese, Cleland Wildlife Park, Adelaide
1st March
Art Galley of South Australia: First Fridays
Launch of the Quilty’s exhibiton, guided tours and live music.
2nd - 7th March
Adelaide Writers’ Week 2019: Telling Truths
Six days of free sessions at the Pioneer Women’s Memorial Garden (off King William Rd, Adelaide) to deliver truth from interesting and insightful authors.
2nd - 17th March
SA Museum exhibition: and the earth sighed
A free immersive installation demonstrating the impact humans have on the environment
8th March
International Women’s Day - participate by supporting one of the many women’s groups listed in SAcommunity. Including multicultural women’s groups such as the Organisation of Hellene & Hellene-Cypriot Women of Australia (SA) Inc, one of the many Zonta Clubs for professional women throughout SA or through the South Australian Country Women's Association Inc.
8th March
Waymouth Street Party hosted by Adelaide West End Association Inc (AWEA)
4pm - 10 pm, live music and South Australian food.
10th - 16th March
Groundwater Awareness Week
Interested in groundwater in Australia? Visit the Bureau of Meteorology’s Groundwater Information suite
10th - 16th March
World Glaucoma Week - raises awareness of importance of check-ups to detect glaucoma early
16th March
Summer Garden Festival 12.30pm - 9.30pm, Civic Park, North East Rd, Modbury
A City of Tea Tree Gully event
Fringe performers, gourmet food and drinks and children entertainment.
17 - 23 March Harmony Week
Australia’s Harmony Week – celebrating cultural diversity
In SA: Visit Multicultural SA or any of the more than 90 Multicultural Groups and Services listed
21st March
UN International Day of Forests – raising awareness of forests, woodlands and trees. Visit ForestrySA to find out more about recreation and conservation of state forests.
22nd March
World Water Day – recognising the importance of water
In SA: Consider working to improve water security through maintaining ecosystems and restoring rivers and wetlands joining groups such as the Fourth Creek Catchment Group
In SA: Consider joining activist environmental groups such as Friends of the Earth Adelaide or Climate Emergency Action Network SA (CLEAN SA)
Contribute to sustainability through groups such as Sustainable Communities SA, Permaculture Association of SA, Transition Gawler or Friends of Willunga Basin
22nd – 24th March
3-legged Challenge – Get sponsored to tie your leg to a friend and give SA’s unpaid carers a break.
Read more here.
24th March – 30th March
National Playgroup Week – raises awareness of the importance of playgroups.
Find your local playgroup on the SAcommunity directory.
24th March
National Epilepsy Awareness Day "Purple Day Event"
Epilepsy Centre Fundraiser
11.30am - 1.30pm Beach House, Glenelg
Tickets $10 per person for 2 hours fun and rides ($35 for family of four)
Tickets must be pre-purchased by calling Sam on 1300 850 081
Officially Purple Day is held on the 26th to show your support of those living with epilepsy and increase awareness and understanding.
30th March
Earth Hour – global environmental movement for climate change symbolised by simultaneously switching off lights for 1 hour at 8.30pm.
30th March – 31st March
Gathered Design Market
Live music, food and drink, workshops and numerous markets.
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