Viennese Night with the Austrian Association of SA Inc. 22 June 2019 in the City of Prospect

What: Viennese Night hosted by the Austrian Association of SA Inc.
Where: 11-17 Torrens Rd Ovingham, SA 5082
The Austrian Association of South Australia is a celebration of Austrian culture and tradition, language, flavour and music. The non-profit organisation celebrates 62 years in July this year and is run by a dedicated group of volunteers who pride themselves on their home-cooked, delicious meals and friendly atmosphere. The club welcomes club members, friends, Austriophiles (lovers of Austria) and interested members of the public alike.
Regular activities include the weekly Friday Cellar Nights from 6pm, featuring live music on the 1st Friday of the month for an Authentic Austrian Night with a tradition Austrian band, come along for a lot of fun, entry is free with bookings essential. Other activities include the Filmnachmittag Austrian film afternoons held on the last Sunday of every month at 1.30pm with a different movie genre and style presented at each sitting.
Special annual events include the Schuhplattler Abend, a folk dance evening with the Austrian Senior Dance Group on Saturday the 24 August 2019. This group originally ran at the club for over 60 years and now host a special once a year event, but is not the association’s only dance night with the Freuhlings Tanz (Spring Dance Night) to be held on the 21 September and Staatsfeiertag (Association Ball) 26 October 2019. In addition, the association has also had entertainment groups from overseas perform every couple of years. Find out more about their upcoming events on their website at or their Facebook page here: and contact Sybille to make a booking.
The Austrian Association of SA
The SAcommunity team had the opportunity to speak to the Association President, Herbert Reiter to find more about the origins of the organisation, why he became involved and their current activities.
“The Austrian Association of SA began in 1957 to create a cultural community centre for Austrians who immigrated to South Australia after the second World War. The organisation maintains strong links with affiliated local services from the Austrian Consulate SA&NT to the Radio Austria 4 FM 103.1 as well as the many interstate groups that formed over the 1950s and 1960s to support the 30,000 Austrians that came to Australia at this time. “
“Moving into our current location in 1970, the clubhouse provides a central Austrian social hub, support, information and referral service. The association delivers regular social activities, monthly functions and annual events to celebrate the culture, connect people and increase social engagement and networks. We cater for everyone and provide an important service by mitigating loneliness and social isolation amongst older Austrian migrants, preserve cultural identity and heritage for the second generation and provide a point of contact and familiarity for newly arrived Austrian migrants, often students or spouses of local Adelaideans. “
Association President Herbert Reiter was born in Australia and became involved with the club through his parents who both migrated from Austria in 1954 and has been part of the association ever since. Mr Reiter explained that he “likes to help people, to carry on the traditions and foster the sense of comradery that develops from a shared love of food, language, culture and community”,
Interested? Why not book for a Friday Cellar Night and find out more about the club as there is something for everyone, for the sports-minded they even have regular club recreation groups including table tennis and bowling club, what more could you ask for? Book today!
Contact the Austrian Association of SA Inc. bookings officer Sybille by phone on 0427 234 350 or email
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