70 years of the Bulgarian Educational and Friendly Society 26 May 2019

The Bulgarian Educational and Friendly Society, Adelaide SA recently celebrated a double event on Sunday the 26th May. The Society’s 70th Anniversary and the day of St. St. Cyril and Metodius, i.e. the Day of the Bulgarian Alphabet and Bulgarian Culture, one of the country’s official national holidays.
The Bulgarian alphabet (Cyrillic), as it is better known internationally, was developed at the end of the 9thcentury AD for the Old Bulgarian language. The Cyrillic alphabet is used today by some 300 million people in 12 countries in Eastern Europe and Northern and Central Asia, which are Slavic countries or non-Slavic countries that have been under Russian cultural influence.
The highly significant dual events, were commemorated with a luncheon at the Bulgarian Hall with cultural dances and performances by the children from the Bulgarian school.
The Bulgarian Educational and Friendly Society
The Bulgarian club (BEFS) was established in 1949. The idea was to create a permanent place for fellow Bulgarians to meet and enjoy each other’s company.
The founders believed that the basis of maintaining strong cultural ties with Bulgarian language, history and culture was through the education of their children, so they created the Bulgarian School which continues today.
The school teaches school-aged children Bulgarian language and culture. The curriculum is conducted in accordance of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science. The school operates during the school-term every Friday from 4.30pm -7.10pm. Enrolments are taken anytime of the year.
Regular activities at the club include theme dinners held on the last Friday of the month in the Bulgarian Members Room from 6.30pm. Other regular activities include the Bulgarian Women’s Craft Group that meets the last Monday of the month.
The Bulgarian Orthodox Church “St. Petka” is open every Sunday at 9.30am for worship with the Church located behind the club.
Find out more about their events on their website at https://www.bulgariansinsouthaustralia.com/ or their Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/BEFS-Adelaide-150006888480444/
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