NAIDOC week at Adelaide and Monato Zoo 6 - 21 July 2019

Photo: The Tal-Kin-Jeri Dance Group aims to promote a better understanding of Aboriginal culture at Adelaide and Monarto Zoo

Events are happening across Australia this month to acknowledge the history and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, as Australians get together to celebrate 2019 NAIDOC week.  

From the 7th to the 14th of July (and beyond), people will have the opportunity to engage in a range of activities that will be held nationwide to recognize the achievements and to support local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Government agencies, local councils, schools, workplaces and community groups will be organizing events in each state.

In South Australia, the students, staff and community members of Hawker Area School (HAS) are joining the celebrations on the 4th July. Whilst Adelaide and Monarto Zoo have also prepared a number of activities related to NAIDOC Week over the school holidays, starting from the 6th - 21st July.

What’s happening during school break?

These school holidays, Adelaide Zoo invites families to learn more about Aboriginal culture, art and language while visiting the Nocturnal House, as it is transformed into a  storytelling landscape.

“The installation at Adelaide Zoo in the Nocturnal House – which has never been done – is set to be an absolute highlight that’s not to be missed”, said Zoos South Australia Event Manager Billie Jo Nicholls.

The campfire installation is part of the program, featuring artwork from Adelaide-based Aboriginal artist Elizabeth Close, as well as music and stories from performer and Ngarrindjeri elder Major ‘Moogy’ Summer.

The main idea is in giving the participants a chance to hear campfire stories through live presentations, displays and fun-filled activities. Children can also get to know nocturnal animals and discover their activities during night time as well.

“Our school holiday program has been supported by the Aboriginal community and immerses our visitors in traditional Aboriginal storytelling, creating an awareness and appreciation of the culture, native animals and the land,” Billie said.

Free Flight shows based on Dreamtime stories, and Nature Theatre with the Dreamtime Animal Wildshow are some of the highlights for kids, along with the Tal-Kin-Jeri Dance Group providing performances, workshops and ceremonies to showcase Aboriginal dance, stories, music, language and culture.

Visit Adelaide Zoo and Monarto Zoo online for full program details and schedules.

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