2019 Basket Range Sandstone Uraidla & Summertown Show 3 Nov 2019

What: 2019 Basket Range Sandstone Uraidla & Summertown Show
The 131st Uraidla & Summertown Country Show and Uraidla Sustainability Fair
Who: Uraidla & Summertown H & F Society Inc.
When: Sunday 3rd November 2019, 9am - 9pm
Where: Uraidla Show Hall, 86 Swamp Rd Uraidla, SA 5142
Entry fee: $10, Kids 12yo & under free
Show Guide: Uraidla Summertown Showbook
More Information: https://uraidlashow.com/
The Uraidla Show - what to expect this year!
Only 25 minutes from Adelaide CBD, the Uraidla Show is pandoras box of fun and adventure in the Adelaide Hills. A great day out to share with friends and family!
You'll experience a day of full entertainment and variety with many activities including tree climbing, cherry spitting competition, a medieval Moat Perrier launching watermelons across the oval, heaps of competitive sections from flowers to fowls, and then throw in some good food with local wines, heaps of entertainment and of course the Uraidla & Districts SACWA country kitchen and more!
The Uraidla Show is the country charm experience in the 21st century; an affordable day out with family and friends, a time to stop, relax and absorb all there is to see and do from morning ‘til night!
The Uraidla & Summertown Country Show
The Sacommunity team spoke to Vice-President, Evelyn Wagner to find out more about the history of this annual show:
We wanted to share with you how excited we are as the Basket Range Sandstone Uraidla Show day approaches on Sunday 3/11/19 (9am-9pm)
Over the last few years the show has grown from a small country town show to a large statewide event with extensive audience attendances from 7-9,000 visitors. The Uraidla Show is a unique, fun day out not just for the local community but for the whole of South Australia!
Origins and History of the Uraidla Show
This year is the 131st Uraidla Show which has a long-standing alignment with the SA community. Whilst in the 1930s Sir Langdon Bonython made a large donation towards the University of Adelaide due to his beliefs in the success of the Bonython Hall and the importance of creating it. However, little do many know, before the Bonython Hall, his project child was the Uraidla Show Hall in which he had the same beliefs and respect towards, contributing 20 pounds towards the construction of the Uraidla Show Hall building in 1908, (approximately $110,000 today).
In 1923, during the depression and great economic suffering, a new location was purchased, and the community moved the show hall stone by stone to the current location. The Uraidla show was a popular event for governor to attend along with important members of government.
The Uraidla Show - A Community Event
Today, decades later the Uraidla Show maintains the same level of success and organic energy due to our outstanding community support and local sponsors. In the past few years, we boast record numbers of attendance due to the community as a whole coming together on their days off to assist with working bees and financial and physical support in order to maintain the same enjoyable Australian fun we have worked incredibly hard to maintain, as what Sir Langdon Bonython would have enjoyed back in the 1900’s. One aspect we aim to reflect is the authentic Australian spirit, whilst combatting commercialism that many events in modern times are unfortunately drawn into.
The Uraidla Show is a not-for-profit event hosted and supported by the local community.
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