SABCA to perform in the 2019 Multicultural Festival - 10 November 2019

What: 2019 Multicultural Festival
When: Sunday 10 November from 11am to 5pm
Where: Victoria Square/ Tarntanyangga, King William Street, Adelaide, 5000
Information and Event Program:
SABCA to perform in the 2019 Multicultural Festival - 10 November 2019
The South Australian Bangladeshi Community Association (SABCA), the largest community group for Bangladeshis in South Australia will be attending the 2019 Multicultural Festival. The Festival is hosted by Multicultural Affairs, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, working with SA multicultural organisations whom have been successful in the “Come Together Multicultural Festival Grants Program 2019".
The Multicultural Festival will feature multiple performances, intercultural activities and stalls for community groups to showcase their cultural heritage through art, craft, food, dance, music and activities in a large-scale, positive and celebratory platform.
SABCA will show childrens' dance performances of Bangladeshi traditions highlighting the myriad varieties of microcultures that exist even in a country like Bangladesh and traditional Bangladeshi songs. ‘The audience will be in for a treat’, said Tarik, ‘as they will have to participate in the dance numbers with our performers. Our kids have been practicing for a month and we hope their performances will be remembered by the audience’.
Interested in joining SABCA? Find out more about the organisation on SAcommunity >>here
- Interview and article by Volunteer Faisal Chowdhury
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