Connecting bushfire victims with support services

Infoxchange and Connecting Up are deeply saddened by the bushfires affecting Australia, and our hearts go out to everyone who has been impacted by these events.
We are working on updating services on our websites to ensure those seeking bushfire support have access to accurate and up-to-date information, through SAcommunity's website listing community services in South Australia and Ask Izzy, listing support services nationally.
A new ‘bushfire support’ category has been added to Ask Izzy that contains links and phone numbers for all state-based relief services across Australia. Ask Izzy is data free on the Telstra mobile network, which means people don't need to rely on having credit or access to free wifi in order to use the site.
SAcommunity has added an SA Bushfire Information quick links banner to the directory and tagged Bushfire relief for organisations providing helping services in SA. Ranging from dedicated Bushfire Recovery Centres to local groups offering a hand at this time such as Kangaroo Island Racing Club Inc. offering free stabling for affected horses, to organisations such as the state-wide SA Country Women's Association's emergency aid fund.
We are aware that due to the widespread bushfires some services listed may not be operating or may be offering a more limited range of services. Our teams are working on updating these as we ask service providers, council/library editors and members of the public to let us know about any SA service changes via the SAcommunity form and nationally via Ask Izzy form.
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