Spreading Winter Warmth - Providing Comfort through Craft

Image Courtesy of Volunteer Brooke Lloyd created in Canva
Spending more time indoors this year allows many of us the opportunity to explore different hobbies. If you have yet to find a new hobby that sticks, why not try knitting? Along with being a relaxing and creative outlet, knitting also offers the bonus of giving back to the community through providing warmth and comfort.
Along with uncertainty surrounding current time, winter weather has made an early visit to South Australia this year. With this, there are those doing it tough who may not have the essential comforts for the chilly season ahead.
We have listed some organisations who donate knitted and crafted goods to those who need them most. If you would like to get involved with these community groups but have never knitted before, be sure to stitch your way to success with our directory of knitting groups across South Australia >>here.
If you are part of, or know any other knitting groups, please let us help to spread the word!
Kogo (Knit One Give One) are a national charity who donate to those who are most vulnerable. Over 6,800 volunteers have given their time to create clothing, scarves, toys and blankets. Kogo’s list of accepted items is endless as they donate to a wide range of charities and government agencies in Australia. While Kogo’s headquarters is based in Melbourne, you can donate items at any Lincraft store in South Australia. This means you can drop off an item while picking up more yarn!
More information: https://www.kogo.org.au/welcome
Knit4Charities Adelaide knit and natter is a group of volunteers who knit crochet and sew items like beanies, blankets, scarves and knee rugs that are given (never sold) to those in need in SA through a network of community organisations and charities. Established in 2012 more than 120,000 knits have been distributed in SA. Members knit at home or at one of more than 15 knit and natters in the State, using their own patterns and yarn. Knit and natters are operating under COVID-19 restrictions, please check with the host.
More details on the group: https://groups.io/g/KANadelaide and Facebook Knit4Charities Adelaide Knit and Natter.
Handknitters Guild of South Australia
If you are looking for the sense of kinship while knitting, the Handknitters Guild of South Australia are the group for you! Along with attending community events like the Royal Adelaide Show and hosting stalls, they also donate their handmade garments to charities including the Hutt Street Centre and the Catherine House. There is a $35 membership fee, but this gives you the chance to craft more creations, as membership offers access to 10% discounts from a range of stores, a bi-monthly Newsletter and free workshops to learn new techniques to increase your skills.
More Information: https://handknittersguildsouthaust.wordpress.com/
Trauma Teddies: Australian Red Cross
Security and warmth are much needed during uncertain times. Trauma Teddies is an initiative offering comfort, run by the Australian Red Cross. Their group of 600 volunteers around Australia have crafted over a million Trauma Teddies to provide comfort and happiness to others who are experiencing illness or loss. This could be as a result of natural disaster or another significant life event. There are a number of Trauma Teddies knitting groups in South Australia, including Adelaide, Berri and Port Pirie. There are also many solo knitters.
More information: https://www.redcross.org.au/get-involved/connect/volunteer/knitting-for-charity-trauma-teddies#!/places/1/distance/5/types/KnittingGroup/orderby/proximity/page/8
Do you know anymore knitting groups we could list? Please contact us if you do, we are always adding to our directory.
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