SA Water's 2020 Community Partnerships Program up to $10,000

What: SA Water's 2020 Community Partnerships Program up to $10,000
Who: Community groups delivering events and programs involving water or water use over the past two years
Closing date: 30 June 2020
SA Water community partnerships reopened for 2020
Local community groups making a difference across South Australia are encouraged to apply for up to $10,000 in funding or in-kind support through SA Water's 2020 Community Partnerships Program.
Reopened for applications following the program's temporary postponement due to COVID-19, the initiative has supported around 30 grassroots organisations in delivering events and programs involving water or water use over the past two years.
SA Water's General Manager Customers, Strategy and Innovation Anna Jackson said the program makes a real difference to everyday life for many South Australians.
"We have partnered with some incredible recipients delivering amazing results, including a program teaching disabled South Australians how to surf, to providing new horse troughs for a regional equine therapy farm for people with post-traumatic stress disorder," Anna said.
"Water plays such an important role in society, and beyond its importance to public health and use for fitness and recreational activities, is vital in sustaining employment and economic development in communities across South Australia.
"We had more than 100 applications last year alone from community groups, and we know there are many more across South Australia that we want to hear from as part of this year's program."
To be a successful application, initiatives will need to align with SA Water's vision to deliver world class water services for a better life, and relate to water or water use.
"With our customers at the heart of everything we do, we are focused on working with organisations who, like us, foster an inclusive culture where diversity of thought, background and experience are embraced and celebrated," Anna said.
"So many of our customers and community members have great ideas and already established programs that make a difference to the lives of others, and we'd love to know how we can help."
Applications for our Community Partnerships Program close on 30 June 2020, with funding for the successful recipients to be made available in August 2020.
To apply or find out details of the type of activities and groups which are eligible, visit
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