Cancer Council SA: Daffodil Day - 28 August 2020

What: Daffodil Day
Who: Cancer Council SA
When: Friday 28 August 2020
Donate online at or dedicate a virtual daffodil to a loved one in August
Purchasing a Daffodil Dedication at your local Foodland store or
Host a yellow fundraiser at your home, workplace or community group.
Purchase fresh flowers from our Rundle Mall site in Adelaide CBD on Daffodil Day.
Daffodil Day 2020
Friday 28 August is Daffodil Day, Cancer Council’s iconic fundraising event that raises vital funds to support cancer research. In 2020, Daffodil Day might look a little different, with fewer sites and less volunteers on the ground—however the cause remains the same.
Every day, even throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic, 28 South Australians are diagnosed with cancer. We also know that less funding will be available for research due to the current climate, which is why it’s more important than ever before to ensure we support the work of our researchers.
Research is the key to unlocking the answers to a cancer free future. Thanks to investment in research over many years, significant advancements have been made in cancer prevention, screening and treatment—helping to increase survival rates from 49 per cent in the 1980s to 69 per cent today. However, there is still more work to be done.
By making a donation this Daffodil Day, you will be supporting South Australia’s best and brightest research minds through Cancer Council’s Beat Cancer Project. A unique collaboration between Cancer Council SA, the State Government, SAHMRI and the Universities, the Project funds the states leading researchers, enabling them to work towards the next cancer breakthrough.
We rely on the generosity of community donations to help us fund this work. Donations this Daffodil Day will provide more than hope to people affected by cancer. It will fund vital cancer research that is saving lives every day.
Show your support by making a donation online, purchasing a Daffodil Dedication at your local Foodland store or hosting a yellow fundraiser at your home, workplace or community group. Or, if you’re in Adelaide CBD on Daffodil Day, purchase fresh flowers from our Rundle Mall site.
Together, with your support, we will continue to fund life-saving cancer research that is making a difference every day. On behalf of the 28 South Australians diagnosed with cancer every day, thank you for enabling us to continue to fund this critical work.
~ Lincoln Size, Chief Executive, Cancer Council SA
For more information or to donate visit
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