Do you know who your ABC Friends are?

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) celebrates 90 years in 2022 since it was first launched on the 1st of July 1932. The service was initially available on radio, expanded to television in 1956 and onwards to digital media to reliably connect people to news, information, entertainment and education, becoming a trusted media service, in representing and telling Australian stories in everyday life, and giving local people a voice.
The SAcommunity Team met ABC Friends Committee Member Richard Ruffin at the City of Prospect Saturday Market, and had the opportunity to find out more about the work of this important support group for the ABC, with information from the Chair, Sue Pinnock and Secretary, Sandra Coopman who have been critical for the functioning of the group for many years.
In our conversations, we related to relying on the ABC, especially for those of us from a rural background. The ABC is part of our day, from getting up to turn on the ABC radio in the morning, watching 'The Drum', 'ABC News', 'Landline', 'Gardening Australia', tuning into podcasts on a range of topics and hearing our stories, "with trust that no other media organisation in Australia can hold a candle to".
History of the ABC Friends SA/NT and aims of the organisation
The ABC Friends in South Australia evolved in 1976 to defend and promote the vital role of the ABC as Australia’s independent national public broadcaster in response to the first cuts to the service taking place. The Friends of the ABC SA/NT Inc. has an active membership and operates under the ABC Friends National Inc., working with Friends organisations in every Australian State and Territory on national strategies and campaigns to maintain the proper funding and independence of the ABC.
Specifically, ABC Friends aims to ensure:
• That the ABC is properly funded to maintain and advance its role as the national public broadcaster across media, promoting and reflecting Australian culture and diversity.
• that it remains editorially independent of government and commercial interests and
In order to achieve their aims, the Friends undertake a range of awareness activities including attending local markets to promote the ABC and encourage Friends membership. They also produce a newsletter for members and supporters called “Checking the Pulse,” focussed on ABC activities and issues faced by the service.
Recently the group have run an advertising campaign highlighting the importance of ABC for a healthy democracy and to keep the community informed and safe, and is funded by the ABC friends. The campaign which includes digital billboards and Facebook ads is to encourage voters to consider and advocate for high quality, independent ABC services and programs in response to reduced funding over time. Funding reductions for the ABC results in staff losses, reduced programs and regional services, diminished Australian content and failing moral amongst the remaining staff.
Lobbying activities include communicating with politicians and government to advocate for the return of adequate funding and certainty of ongoing funding to enable the ABC to fulfil its Charter obligations. During the Federal election period, electoral candidates in Sturt and Boothby were surveyed to ascertain their views and "A Guide for Voters" compiled to allow them to consider the candidates which will work to protect the future of the ABC.
Consider becoming a member of the ABC Friends SA/NT to advocate for increased funding for the ABC to provide a full range of services to all Australians and internaionally in an independent, trusted and innovative manner.
Your membership and contribution as a new friend, brings new ideas on how to remind the Australian community of the importance of an independent, trustworthy, entertaining and reliable ABC, so vital to a healthy democracy and Australian identity.
Contact ABC Friends SA/NT or visit their website to find out how you can join and help your ABC!
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