Prospect Local Environment Group - Eco-Market 6 August 2022 - Cancelled

What PLEG Eco-Market
Who Prospect Local Environment Group (PLEG)
When 9am -12pm, Saturday 6 August 2022 (Sadly cancelled due to weather events)
Where Vine St Plaza, Prospect 5082
Great news from the Prospect Local Environment Group (PLEG) .... the Eco-Market is back!
Come along PLEG's outdoor market with a strong environmental focus. There's so much to explore including ..
- Mondee's Bees - all about honey and wax products
- Oscar & Harley have heat/cold packs made with locally grown lupins
- Meet Christine who is passionate about recycling and fundraising - if you have any plastic bread tags bring them along and ask her about the '50kg of plastic bread tags' she's collected already
PLEG is passionate about Local Energy, Local Food, Local Recycling, Local Transport
You can find more about PLEG on Facebook, at SAcommunity or by contacting Grace
See you on Saturday August 6 at the Eco-Market in Prospect!
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