NOSSA's Annual Spring Show 17-18 September 2022

What: NOSSA's Annual Spring Show
Who: Native Orchid Society of South Australia
When: September 17th-18th 2022
Where: Uniting Church Hall, Marion
We recently spoke to the Native Orchid Society of South Australia (NOSSA) and discovered that in September they are hosting their annual Spring Show in the Uniting Church Hall in Marion!
NOSSA has been around since 1977 and have been organising Spring Shows in SA every year for the past 45 years. Having only ever missed 2020 due to COVID-19, the festival is back! After moving locations from St Peters, to St Bernadette Hall, NOSSA have settled in to the Uniting Church Hall in Marion. With the entry being a simple gold coin donation, the event will be a great way to see and learn about our native orchids.
For green thumbs and plant lovers, this will be a wonderful way to ethically add to your collection. There are many laws and legislations that prevent people picking orchids from the wild, as they have been decreasing in numbers. While these laws are in place, you are most definitely able to purchase some of the many orchids on sale at the festival as they've already been cultivated. As you can see in our images, NOSSA has started growing some orchids in little pots and cups that will be at the festival. There are a wide variety of orchids, there are ones that are easy to grow and some that take a bit more time and care. There will be beginner kits for people to purchase as well as educational books and DVD's.
NOSSA is working to increase the cultivation of native orchids in response to the declining numbers in the wild. This is done by growing orchid seeds in jars with agar, a formula with the specific nutrients these plants need to grow and thrive. Housing these numerous collections of rare species is a challenge and one that the society hopes that new members can assist with. NOSSA mentioned that we are losing this beautiful native flower, and by helping them to grow and house these valuable plants we can maintain this diverse and vital living inventory of Australian species.
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