Overland Corner Hotel
Overland Corner Hotel

Old Coach Rd Overland Corner, SA 5345

08 8588 7021

PO Box 647 Barmera, SA 5345
Historic hotel was built in 1859, in 1965, the building was purchased by the National Trust of South Australia and, with the aid of locally raised and commonwealth funding, the fossilised limestone building was completely restored. It now stands as a beacon of history in the Riverland, and is the oldest structure to remain standing in the area.
- Historic Hotel is both pub and living museum
Last updated: 01/11/2022
Information provided for: Berri Barmera Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Information provided for: Berri Barmera Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: Berri Barmera Council
Electorate (State): Chaffey
Electorate (Federal): Barker