City of Salisbury - BMX Tracks

City of Salisbury - BMX Tracks

Organisation Address
12 James St Salisbury, SA 5108
Organisation Phone
08 8406 8222
Organisation Email
PO Box 8 Salisbury, SA 5108

  • Settlers Park, Liberator Dr, Paralowie: BMX track has adjoining junior section, playground, pergola, picnic tables, half court basketball court with ring, irrigated turf and park bench

  • Diruwa Drive Reserve, Diruwa Dr, Salisbury North: Large BMX track with bench and a bin, shelter and picnic table. Track designed for seniors

  • Canterbury Drive Reserve, Canterbury Dr, Salisbury Heights: Two BMX tracks - one senior and one junior, play equipment, bin, tennis courts, two shelters and picnic tables, irrigated turf and half court basketball

  • Corner Kings Road and Martins Road, Parafield Gardens: BMX track includes junior and senior sections, benches, shelter and barbeque

  • Kentish Green, Barina Ave, Para Vista: Junior BMX track with a couple of jumps, playground with bin, shelter and picnic table, car park, scout hall, stone ruin (stable wall of local historical significance) and irrigated turf

  • Cross Keys BMX Club, BMX Track, Unity Park, South Tce, Pooraka 5095 - BMX track used by sporting club. Council mows the ground but is not responsible for the maintenance of the surface. The track is only available to club members. The club can be contacted on tel. 8359 6588 or 0419 820 674

  • BMX tracks
Last updated: 20/12/2022
Information provided for: Salisbury Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: City of Salisbury
Electorate (State): Ramsay
Electorate (Federal): Spence
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