Green Adelaide Education (Northern)

Green Adelaide Education (Northern)

formerly NRM Education - Salisbury

Organisation Address
34 Church Street Salisbury, SA 5108
Organisation Phone
08 7424 5760
Organisation Email
34 Church Street Salisbury, SA 5108
Parent Body:
Green Adelaide
Green Adelaide Education Coordinator, Melissa Steele
Contact: 0427 962 162
Wheelchair access, Accessible toilets, Accessible parking

Sustainable Schools is a free program offered by Green Adelaide to help you teach about and connect to the natural world, lead informed action, and enable active citizens. Sustainable Schools supports your school/preschool and local community to develop the values, skills and knowledge to take action towards sustainability.

The program aligns with the Australian Curriculum and Belonging, Being and Becoming – The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). Sustainable Schools can help you to: develope a shared vision for your site's sustainability story; embed sustainability into your school/ preschool culture, curriculum and practice; link with other schools/preschools, school communities and service providers; design hands-on learning (for example, building frog ponds, vegetable plots and butterfly gardens); investigate wildlife and create habitat in your school and beyond; become a hub for sustainability education with your local communities.

  • Through Sustainable Schools you can access: professional development training and networking events
  • Climate action resources and programs to green and cool your school
  • Youth voice resources and programs, including the Youth Environment Council; local information (including ID charts, factsheets and games) on animals, plants, environments and climate change
  • Loan library of books, videos, curriculum resources and equipment
  • Weekly email newsletter.
Last updated: 21/04/2023
Information provided for: Salisbury Council
This record was updated by: Gilianne.
Council: City of Salisbury
Electorate (State): Ramsay
Electorate (Federal): Spence
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