Woodworkers Shed - Northern Districts SA Inc.

Woodworkers Shed - Northern Districts SA Inc.

formerly Triton Owners Club - Northern Districts

Woodworking hobby group

Organisation Address
End of Lawrie Ave Salisbury, SA 5108
Organisation Phone
0417 813 863 President
0403 160 779 Treasurer
Organisation Email
PO Box 1057 Salisbury, SA 5108
President, Terry Smith
Treasurer, Roger Forrester

Toy making: Tues and Thurs 9am - 3pm, (Closed - Xmas until first Tues in February)
Project Days: Monthly, 1st Sat
Demonstrations and Speakers: Monthly, 3rd Thurs 7pm - 9.30pm

Men and Women over 18 years
Fees apply for membership and attendances

A well equipped workshop catering specifically for woodworkers (male and female) in Salisbury and adjacent areas. Available for use by experienced and learner woodworkers, including toy makers, scrollsawers, turners, joiners and the like.

Location : Proceed to the end of Lawrie Ave, (off Waterloo Corner Rd). A dirt track then  leads to the workshop, sited alongside 2 huge round power pylons.

  • All categories of Woodworking.
Last updated: 17/11/2024
Information provided for: Salisbury Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Council: City of Salisbury
Electorate (State): Ramsay
Electorate (Federal): Spence
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