formerly World Harvest Christian Centre

61 Baloo St Ingle Farm, SA 5098

08 8262 6475

PO Box 52 Ingle Farm, SA 5098
Office: Tues - Fri 9.30am - 4.30pm
Senior Pastors, Mark and Michelle
Sun Service 10am
Whoever you are, wherever you've come from, you are welcome! LIFE exists to mimic the heartbeat of God. We are passionate about Jesus and connecting people to Him. We meet on Sunday mornings and have lots of things going on during the week.
- Church services
- Youth activities
- Childrens services
- Over 50s group
- Counselling services available
Last updated: 28/03/2023
Information provided for: Salisbury Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Information provided for: Salisbury Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: City of Salisbury
Electorate (State): Florey
Electorate (Federal): Makin
- 54Australian Christian Churches
- 148Church Youth Groups
- 1740Churches, Religions
- 126 Anglican
- 54 Australian Christian Churches
- 17 Baha'i
- 72 Baptist
- 1 Brethren
- 12 Buddhist
- 199 Catholic
- 12 Christadelphians
- 1 Christian Science
- 47 Churches of Christ
- 1 Hare Krishna
- 6 Hindu
- 18 Islam
- 15 Jehovah's Witnesses
- 3 Judaism
- 9 Latter Day Saints (Mormon)
- 124 Lutheran
- 51 Non-Denominational Churches & Religions
- 29 Orthodox Churches
- 43 Pentecostal
- 15 Presbyterian & Reformed
- 73 Salvation Army
- 39 Seventh Day Adventist
- 4 Sikh
- 6 Spiritualist
- 1 Unitarian
- 168 Uniting Church
- 2225Religions & Philosophies