TAFE SA Mount Gambier
TAFE SA Mount Gambier

08 8735 1480 Library
1800 882 661 Info Line

Award Course:
Aged and Disability Services, Agriculture, Automotive, Beauty Therapy, Business and Administration, Carpentry and Furniture Making, Children's Education and Care, Civil, Structural and Mechanical Engineering, Conservation and Land Management, Cookery, Digital Literacy, Electrical and Renewable Energy, English as a Second Language, Government, Hairdressing, Horticulture, Hospitality, IT Support, Literacy and Numeracy, Manufacturing and Welding, Networking and Security, Nursing and Pathology, Plumbing and Water Operations, Retail, Software Development, Website Development, Workplace Training
Short Courses:
Agriculture, Building Trades, Business and Administration, Carpentry and Furniture Making, Children’s Education and Care, Cookery, Electrical and Renewable Energy, First Aid, Government, Hairdressing, Hospitality, Literacy and Numeracy, Manufacturing and Welding, Policing, Retail, Wellbeing, Wine and Spirits, Workplace Training
- Vocational education and training
- Online Library & on campus Library. Members of public can join for a fee.
Information provided for: Mount Gambier Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.