Learning Together @ Home - Victor Harbor
Learning Together @ Home - Victor Harbor

1 Oval Rd Victor Harbor, SA 5211

08 8552 4160

0427 403 894

08 8552 4160
Mon - Fri 8am - 4pm during school term
Early Learning Field Worker, Darlene Hill
Children aged 0-4 who:
have limited or no access to resources and other children's services, have additional needs that may arise from developmental delay or disability, have recently arrived in Australia and speak a language other than English, have other cultural support needs, have special family needs, are living in isolation, have suspected delay or difficulty, have multiple births, or are of Aboriginal background
have limited or no access to resources and other children's services, have additional needs that may arise from developmental delay or disability, have recently arrived in Australia and speak a language other than English, have other cultural support needs, have special family needs, are living in isolation, have suspected delay or difficulty, have multiple births, or are of Aboriginal background
Wheelchair access, Accessible parking
A DECD home-based early development program that supports parents and carers to assist with their child's development. Mobile service visits families with special family needs across Southern Fleurieu area from Cape Jervis to Milang
- Assessment of child's learning, provide resources (including books, games and toys), demonstrate activities to assist with learning, set goals and provide additional information and support
- Ongoing mobile support offering home-based programs and assistance for families with special/additional needs identified by parents or other agencies
- Information and referral to other services
Last updated: 03/08/2022
Information provided for: Victor Harbor Council
This record was updated by: Jesslyn.
Information provided for: Victor Harbor Council
This record was updated by: Jesslyn.
Council: City of Victor Harbor
Electorate (State): Finniss
Electorate (Federal): Mayo