Friends of Mount Billy Conservation Park

Friends of Mount Billy Conservation Park

Organisation Address
Mount Billy Hindmarsh Tiers Rd Hindmarsh Tiers, SA 5202
Organisation Phone
0402 638 142
0428 897 662 Project Officer
Organisation Email
PO Box 720 Victor Harbor, SA 5211
Project Officer, Guy Fishlock-Smith, Secretary, Marion MacKenzie

Working bees
Meeting times: Monthly, 1st or 2nd Sat, 1pm at Gate 1

Membership fee

Mt. Billy is a park of 199 hectares , situated on the Hindmarsh Tiers Road approximately 10 kms from Victor Harbor towards Myponga. It was proclaimed a park when the land was transferred from SA Water to DEWNR in 1999 and originally served as the adjacent catchment of the Hindmarsh Valley Reservoir which prior to its decommissioning was part of the supply chain of water supply to Victor Harbor.

  • Volunteer work to assist National Parks and Wildlife staff in the management of Mount Billy Conservation Park
  • Ongoing conservation and maintainance of the park under supervision of the ranger and with conservation bodies and interest groups
  • Annual weed monitoring and eradication program
  • Monitoring and recording orchid species
  • Revegetation and weed clearance on adjoining roadside
  • Provision of stiles and walking tracks
  • Rubbish removal
  • Bush cover with Bush for Life Program
  • Hosting of training courses in bushcare, management, plant identification
  • Collection and collation of information relevant to Mount Billy Conservation Park including history of settlement, fire history, flora and fauna registers, ecological assessments
  • Coordination with other interest groups such as Threatened Species Network, University students, SA Water and local landowners
Last updated: 01/03/2024
Information provided for: Victor Harbor Council
This record was updated by: Sylvia.
Council: City of Victor Harbor
Electorate (State): Finniss
Electorate (Federal): Mayo
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