Camden Quilters
Camden Quilters

Camden Baptist Church, 21 Carlton Rd Camden Park, SA 5038

0417 848 730 Coordinator

C\O Camden Baptist Church 21 Carlton Rd Camden Park, SA 5038
Parent Body:
Coordinator, Robyn Warrall
Tue 9am - 2pm, Camden Baptist Church, Cnr Carlton Rd and Carlisle St, Camden Park
Wheelchair access, Accessible toilets
- Social and Activity Group
- Craft
- Patchwork and quilting group
- Knitting
- Crochet
Last updated: 28/06/2024
Information provided for: West Torrens Council
This record was updated by: SAcommunity Support Team.
Information provided for: West Torrens Council
This record was updated by: SAcommunity Support Team.
Council: City of West Torrens
Electorate (State): Morphett
Electorate (Federal): Hindmarsh

- 577Crafts
- 3 Basketry
- 3 Beading
- 3 Calligraphy
- 1 Copperwork
- 14 Crochet
- 1 Doll Making
- 3 Dyeing
- 20 Embroidery
- 1 Fabric Design & Painting
- 20 Flower Arranging
- 5 Folk Art
- 13 Gem Crafts
- 5 Glass Work
- 4 Gold & Silversmithing
- 5 Jewellery Making
- 1 Kites
- 31 Knitting
- 7 Lacemaking
- 2 Leatherwork
- 1 Macrame
- 12 Metal Work
- 6 Mosaics
- 10 Needlecraft
- 1 Paper Making
- 53 Patchwork, Quilting
- 1 Picture Framing
- 13 Pottery, Ceramics
- 3 Printmaking
- 7 Scrapbooking
- 26 Sewing
- 1 Silk Painting
- 2 Soft Toys & Furnishings
- 19 Spinning
- 3 Tapestry
- 3 Threadwork
- 1 Wearable Art
- 12 Weaving
- 2 Woodburning
- 6 Woodcraft
- 53Patchwork, Quilting