Probus Club of Airport District
Probus Club of Airport District
Airport Over 50s Club, 18 Coral Sea Road, Fulham, SA 5024
0409 673 561 Membership Officer
PO Box 449, Brooklyn Park, SA 5032
Parent Body:
Monday-Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm
Membership Officer, Helen Graetz
General Meetings: 9:45am for 10:00am start, usually on the fourth Thursday in the month at the Airport Over 50's Club, 18 Coral Sea Road Fulham SA 5024.
Retired and semi retired people
Wheelchair access, Accessible toilets, Accessible parking
To advance intellectual and cultural interests of retired and semi-retired people, who appreciate and value opportunities for social contact with others in similar circumstances.
- Social club for retired and semi-retired people.
- Guest speakers.
- Lunch at the Lockleys Hotel follows our meetings.
- Outings to theatres and general places of interest.
- Ladies coffee group and a coffee group for men.
- Friday night dinners during summer and Friday lunches during winter months.
Last updated: 24/01/2024
Information provided for: West Torrens Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Edward.
Information provided for: West Torrens Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Edward.
Council: City of West Torrens
Electorate (State): Colton
Electorate (Federal): Hindmarsh
- 2203Recreation Activities
- 218 After School Activities
- 17 Air Training Groups
- 35 Cadets
- 152 Community Centres
- 53 Community Shed Programs
- 70 Day Options
- 25 Drop-In Centres
- 50 Guiding
- 34 Licensed Clubs
- 33 Lodges (Societies)
- 11 Marching
- 6 Schools For Seniors
- 101 Scouting
- 147 Senior Citizens Clubs
- 857 Social & Activity Groups
- 40 Youth Clubs
- 121Retired People
- 857Social & Activity Groups