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Friends of Belair National Park
Friends of Belair National Park

Volunteer Centre, Belair National Park Gooch Rd Belair, SA 5052

08 8178 0688 Secretary

0417 870 596

PO Box 2 Belair, SA 5052
Tina Gallasch - Secretary
Working bees:
Weekly, Tues & Fri 8.30 - 10.30am; 8 - 10am daylight saving time
Monthly, 3rd Sat 8.45am, Green Shed
Monthly 1pm, Volunteer Centre, Long Gully, usually with a speaker
Wheelchair access, Accessible parking
- Forums
- Environmental education
- Enjoying our natural heritage
- Free guided walks in the park (April to December, every 4th Tuesday 2pm
- Working Bees (meet at the Belair Park Office)
- Adopt-a-Block scheme
- Volunteers assist with weed eradication, revegetation, publicising activities to community, working with the rangers
- For people interested giving time to preserving the Park
Last updated: 17/05/2024
Information provided for: Mitcham Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Information provided for: Mitcham Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: City of Mitcham
Electorate (State): Waite
Electorate (Federal): Boothby

- 43Bushland Regeneration
- 1121Conservation
- 2089Environment & Heritage
- 1121 Conservation
- 109 Environmental Action
- 106 Environmental Education
- 16 Environmental Health
- 126 Horticulture
- 168 Local History
- 23 Neighbourhood Environment
- 23 Pollution Control
- 269 Waste Disposal
- 109Environmental Action
- 99Flora Conservation
- 9National Parks
- 100Parks & Reserves
- 316Voluntary Work
- 58Walking
- 13Wilderness Conservation