Retire Active SA - Bushwalkers

formerly ARPA Active Over 50s - Bushwalkers

Activities for over 50s

Organisation Address
Level 4, 25 Leigh St Adelaide, SA 5000
Organisation Phone
0413 808 334 Secretary
Retire Active SA Office: Tues - Fri 9.30am - 2.30pm
Membership of the Bushwalkers is open to any financial member of Retire Active over 50s.
Come and try your first two walks for free, then join us - Retire Active membership plus Bushwalkers membership.
Walks are usually held in wheelchair inaccessible terrain along tracks with no paved paths. Toilets are infrequent or non existent in these areas. Parking is usually unmarked and may be on uneven ground, possibly muddy or rutted.
  • There are four grades of day walks: D - duration of about 2 hours; C - duration of 3-4 hours; B - duration of 4-5 hours; A duration of 5-6 hours
  • Around 4-6 walks per month, per grade are led by volunteer leaders who plan and conduct the walk
  • A number of low cost camps are held each year
  • Walks are held throughout the metropolitan and near country areas
Last updated: 24/01/2025
Information provided for: Adelaide City Council
This record was updated by: Anubhav.
Council: City of Adelaide
Electorate (State): Adelaide
Electorate (Federal): Adelaide
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